If you’re stuck for conversation ideas, then get ready to copy & paste these 64 questions to ask a girl over text.
Whether you’ve just met on Tinder, or you’ve been messaging her for sometime… these 64 questions to ask a girl are guaranteed to get a positive reply.
Once you start asking this set of questions, you’ll be able to steer the conversation in the right direction. i.e. towards the first date!
In this article, you’ll discover:
– questions to ask a girl who you’ve just matched with on dating apps,
– funny questions to setup a positive conversation thread
– flirty questions to ask a girl over text, and
– questions that’ll lead to first dates.
What’s important is that the questions you text her DON’T – bore her, sound too serious, or make her feel like she’s being interviewed.
She doesn’t want to feel like she’s being interrogated for a crime she didn’t commit!
So these 64 questions will help you spark up an engaging conversation, make her like you, and connect on a deeper level WITHOUT scaring her off.
OK first off, let’s look at some interesting questions to ask a girl who you’ve just matched or met with recently…
Good questions to ask a girl you’ve just met or matched with online
When you’re first getting to know a girl, you want to keep the conversation light and playful.
So avoid intense questions like:
– What do you do for work?
– What’s your relationship like with your parents?
– Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
– Do you plan to go University?
– Are you looking for your soulmate?
– Are you looking for something serious or just to hookup?
These kind of questions are NEVER appropriate to ask over text! Or even in person quite frankly…
So here are some better examples of what to ask a girl when you’re just getting to know her:
Q: Whats your spirit animal?
Girls love this question. Why? Because it’s on a similar theme to astrology and all that jazz.
It’s also a great ice breaker question on Tinder. And you could even rephrase the question to guess her spirit animal.
So you could message her with something like “Judging by your pics, I reckon your spirit animal is an owl. Yay or nay?”
Q: Whats your favourite animal?
The important thing when asking a girl questions over text is to be a good listener. Being a good listener will help you delve deeper into the conversation string.
Imagine each question is a rabbit hole. The deeper you dig, the deeper the connection.
So when she tells you her favourite animal, ask her “why?”, or “What is it about dolphins you love?” etc etc. And let the conversation naturally flow from there.
Q: Do you have any weird fears?
This is a great question to get her opening up to you.
When a question is more personal, it’s good to follow up with your answer first.
For example, “Do you have any weird fears? I’m strangely scared of crabs. Don’t know why, I just don’t trust em.”
By sharing your answer first, she’ll feel more comfortable about opening up to you in return.
Q: What one thing would you grab if your house was on fire?
This question will help you find out what she values most in life. What her priorities are, and what’s important to her.
Q: If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you do?
Would you build a bunker and hide, or stock up on ammo and go on a killing spree?
This question gets the creative juices flowing! Most people have watched enough zombie movies to know what to do in the unlikely event of a World War Z scenario. So have fun with this one!
Q: What was your first job?
No, this is not an interview question… Most of us have fond memories of our first job. Either because it was fun, embarrassing or down right dreadful! Whatever the case maybe, talking about first jobs is a fun conversation piece.
Q: Who was your celebrity crush growing up?
Again a good question to learn more about her. Bonus points if her celebrity crush looks vaguely similar to you. Hair colour at least…
Her answer might shock you. So be prepared to delve deeper into why she liked X actor or X musician growing up…
Q: Do you believe in ghosts?
Maybe she has a spooky story to share. Maybe you have a supernatural experience to tell her too… You can talk for hours on this subject!
And similarly with the following question:
Q: Do you believe in aliens?
Can you see a common theme? All these questions are fun and lighthearted. Nothing serious.
And questions like “do you think Aliens have visited us?” are guaranteed to spark up an interesting conversation. Hopefully she has an open mind and has something to say on the subject!
Q: Do you have any guilty pleasures?
With this question, it’s again a good idea to tell her your answer FIRST.
Remember whenever the question is a little more personal and intrusive, make sure she’s comfortable to give her answer.
This question will help unleash her vulnerability and open up about some embarrassing things she likes to eat, watch or play.
It’s a great question to get to know her and showcase your genuine side.
Q: It says in your profile you like X, I like the opposite. I don’t think we’d get along…
This is a great ice breaker for Tinder and other dating apps.
Whatever she writes in her bio, challenge her opinion. Tell her you like the opposite, or you disagree with her.
So if she says “I love dogs”, tell her you’re more of a cat person. Then start a debate from there!
Q: If you could only eat 1 vegetable for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
Foodie questions provide an easy conversation starter. I mean who doesn’t like talking about food, right?
But rather than ask her a dull question like “What’s your favourite vegetable?” always aim to jazz up your questions to sound more fun.
A good practice to get into is this. Read back the question to yourself before you hit send. If the question you’re about to message her sounds lame and doesn’t give you a chuckle… don’t send it.
So similarly, if you want to find out her music taste, don’t ask her a boring question like “what kind of music do you like listening to?” otherwise she’s likely to ghost you.
Instead, rephrase the question to something that’ll encourage a quick response:
Q: If you got stuck in an elevator and forced to listen to one song on repeat, what song would you choose?
By rephrasing the question like this, she’s gonna be way more excited to think up her answer and message you back! Make sense?
Ok, let’s look at some other clever ways to restructure your questions to guarantee a reply so you DON’T get left on read.
Would you rather questions
Sometimes questions can come across a little intense…
If a question requires a lot of head scratching for her to think up an answer, she’s less likely to reply right away.
So why not make it easier for a girl to respond by giving her two options to choose from? i.e. X or Y.
“Would you rather” questions are a great way to encourage a response. They require little thought, and therefore encourage free-flowing, fun conversation.
So let’s look at a few examples:
Q: Cats or dogs?
This is a fail-safe question to get the conversation flowing. You can then talk about childhood pets, your favourite breeds of dogs, or even accuse her of being a crazy cat lady.
Q: Sushi or pizza?
Maybe you’re ready to ask her out on a date. If so, rather than ask her what her favourite food is, you could instead give her two options – sushi or pizza.
If she say’s pizza, you can then easily transition to suggest taking her to your favourite pizza restaurant in town.
Q: Would you rather be a city girl or live in a small town by the sea?
Sometimes you need to gauge whether the girl you’re texting is a good long term prospect for you. If so, you might want to ask her some of the bigger picture questions.
For example, if your dream is to escape to the countryside and live amongst the foxes and badgers, but the girl you’re texting is a city dweller through and through, then the relationship might be doomed form the onset.
Whatever the case maybe, you want to avoid these ‘bigger picture’ questions sounding like an interviewer asking “where do you see yourself in 5 years?”
So if you want to ask a girl a serious question, make sure to rephrase it as a ‘would you rather’ question. This way, you won’t scare her off by sounding too intense.
Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Again, if you’re looking to date this girl seriously, you’ll want to find out if you both work on a similar sleep cycles. If not, it’s unlikely to work out between you both long term.
For example, if the girl you’re texting works late shifts in a nightclub whilst you work a 9-5, it’s gonna be hard to sustain a healthy relationship.
So always frame these serious questions as multiple choice (would you rather), this way, you can very quickly gauge if the girl you’re texting is a good match or not, WITHOUT scaring her off.
Q: What’s your ideal breakfast – full english or açai bowl?
This question can naturally lead the conversation to a date. You could find out her favourite breakfast food, and then follow up by suggesting a famous brunch location for next weekend.
Again, by giving her two options to choose from, it makes for fun conversation. She’s more likely to reply as oppose to asking her “what’s your favourite breakfast food?”
Childhood memory questions
Girls love going down memory lane and reminiscing their childhood. Why? Because it’s nostalgic.
Childhood memory questions will guarantee a playful frame for fun, free-flowing conversation.
Q: What was your favourite movie as a kid?
Mine was Jurassic Park, closely followed by Home Alone.
Movie questions open the door to many great conversation topics. You can share funny childhood memories watching horror films late at night, or using fake id’s to rent 18+ dvd’s (before Netflix was a thing)
Plus, by finding out her favourite film, you can learn a lot about her and her personality.
By discussing films you both like and dislike this will enable you to develop a deep connection. And you can even insinuate watching an old classic together on Netflix one night…
Q: What’s your favourite Disney film?
Everyone has a favourite. Whether it’s Aladdin or The Little Mermaid, she’s gonna be excited to tell you her fave.
And don’t stop there! Ask her why her favourite is X Disney film… Because you want to stay on topic and let the conversation flow from there.
This will help you gain a deeper connection.
So if she answers “The Lion King”, you could follow up and ask her:
– who’s her favourite character
– which character she most relates to,
– what was her favourite song, and
– whether or not she cried when Mufasa met his demise…
You can learn a lot about a girl from asking questions like this.
If she cried during Mufasa’s death, you’ll know she’s not a sociopath. Which is a big green tick!
Q: What’s your favourite dinosaur?
A random questions, yes! But a great question nonetheless 😉
Strangely a lot of women are fascinated by dinosaurs. I think a lot of people grew up watching ‘A Land Before Time’ on repeat.
Remember you want to keep the conversation via text light and playful. And the ol’ dinosaur question is a great example of doing just that!
This one is guaranteed to get positive response because she won’t be expecting it. In other words, it’s refreshing.
Q: What was your favourite childhood toy?
This question can really help you learn more about a girl – her hobbies, interests and ambitions in life.
Because sometimes her favourite childhood toy might’ve been the catalyst that made her choose to study a particular subject at University or pursue a sport she still plays today.
So this is an example of a simple question which has a lot of depth to it.
With a question like this, always try to keep on topic. Don’t digress and change the subject.
Because the art of forming a deep connection is to be a good listener, and let the conversation naturally flow from the initial question.
Q: What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in primary school?
Never start a conversation with a question like this! If it comes out of nowhere, it might freak her out!
This question only works on a girl you know well already. Otherwise it can sound a little intrusive.
So read the situation. It’s only appropriate to send a question like this during quick back and forth texting with the girl.
Never send her this as an opening text if you haven’t spoken to her in a while!
Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
This questions will help her open up to you.
A lot of people have embarrassing stories from their childhood. And this can often include what their dream job was growing up.
So if she’s willing to open up and tell you she wanted to be a horse whisper or a goat herder, then this’ll help you develop a deep connection.
Remember, with personal questions, it’s recommended to tell her your answer first. Because if you’re vulnerable and open up to her, she’ll be more willing to open up to you.
So when you text her this question, immediately follow up with your answer. Eg. “Mine was to own a petting zoo”
Q: What was your favourite sport at school? And do you still play?
A lot of people don’t continue to pursue the sports they played at high school once they graduate and find work. Which is a great shame. Especially when they’re really talented.
However, if the girl you’re texting IS really passionate about something, she probably still makes time for it despite her busy work schedule.
This question provides a great opportunity to tell her what you’re passionate about in life. And a man with a passion is VERY attractive in a woman’s eyes.
Dreamy / Holiday questions
Questions about holidays, big dreams, and her favourite places in the world are guaranteed crowd pleasers.
Why? Because women love to dream and imagine where in the world they’ll next be sipping a a piña colada on the beach.
These types of questions set a positive frame and even encourage her to dream about holiday’s with you…
So let’s dive in and look at some great dreamy questions to ask a girl over text.
Q: Where did you last go on holiday?
You can talk for hours on the subject of holidays!
So if you’re struggling with what to ask a girl you like, then ask her about her holiday plans, or get her to reminisce about her last adventure abroad.
Q: Where is your favourite place in the entire world?
It could be a secluded beach in the Caribbean, or simply the local park….
Wherever the place maybe, this question will make her feel warm and fuzzy just thinking about it!
Whats important is that the texts you send a girl make her FEEL something. You want your messages to spike her emotions.
And holiday questions will spark her positive feels… that’s why they work so well!
With this question, make sure to follow up with ‘why X place?’ if she fails to provide an explanation.
Holiday questions to ask a girl over text will help you gauge more about her character and what makes her tick.
Q: If you were born again, which country would you like to be from and grow up in?
I heard this one on the Ricky Gervais show. Karl Pilkington was asked this question to which he replied, “Italy”.
It’s a great question to get her thinking! Especially if she’s well travelled.
It’s not something she’s likely been asked before so she’ll enjoy coming up with an answer.
Whether it’s visa perks, the culture of a certain country, or the landscape, you can really get to know more about a girl with this thought provoking question.
Q: If you could live and work anywhere in the world, where would it be?
This question is very topical right now in light of covid and people working from home….
If she just replies, ‘my hometown’ then maybe she’s a little close minded. Or maybe she has a strong relationship with her family and doesn’t want to be too far away from them.
Whatever her answer, always ask her WHY.
Don’t respond by saying “oh ok, cool. What you up to today?”
Instead, ask “what is it about X location you love” etc etc.
The questions I’ve laid out for you are designed to encourage conversation and an opportunity to connect. So always stay on topic!
Q: Whats Top 3 on your bucket list?
This is a great question to stir up a debate. Maybe you’ve already ticked off one of hers and vice versa.
Plus you can poke fun at her choices and flirt with her.
If she asks what your top 3 are, then she’s probably keen and curious to find out more about you too.
Here are three more great questions like this:
Q: If you won the lottery how would you spend it?
Q: After the COVID pandemic, what’s the first thing you want to do that you can’t do now?
A high risk follow up to this question could be “To have an orgy and not worry about social distancing?!”
Q: If the doctor said you had 1 week to live, how would you spend that time?
This one’s a little morbid… but an interesting question nonetheless!
Remember, don’t just randomly text her these kind of questions out the blue. It’s better when they organically flow into the conversation.
Rather than say:
“Hey, haven’t heard from you in ages… got a question I’ve been meaning to ask you….. if the doctor said you had 1 week to live, how you would you spend that time?”
Common sense… but worth mentioning.
Here’s another good question:
Q: What would be your dream job if money wasn’t an issue? Mine would be a safari park worker.
If the question (like the one above) requires a lot of thought, then make it easier for her by sharing your answer first.
So “mine would be a safari park worker”.
Remember you want to make it EASY for her to reply. If it requires too much energy and thought her end, she might not answer straight away.
Q: If you could be a famous sport star, what sport would it be in?
This is a fun question to ask a girl. Her answer will most likely be the sport she loved at high school. Maybe that was her dream as a kid, to turn professional…
Whatever her response, this is another opportunity to really get to know her and learn about her strength of character.
Questions to ask a girl over text when you know her well already
Too many guys make the mistake of playing things way too safe once they’re dating a girl.
Their texts become boring, non flirtatious, and repel women from wanting to reply.
So try to avoid boring questions like:
– how was your day?
– did you sleep ok?
– what did you eat for supper?
– how are you?
– studying hard?
– feeling any better today?
If you slip into the trap of playing too safe, and text her like her mother would text her, you will kill off the attraction.
Even if you’ve been dating a while, never get complacent and feel like it’s OK to text like this!
Only send fun and flirtatious messages that spark an emotion and compel her to reply.
So instead of asking mundane, boring questions like “How was your day?”
Instead, re-phrase the question to sound more playful and fun. For example:
Q: What was the highlight of your day? Mine was a seeing a puppy pick up a tennis ball in the local park.
Q: How did you spend your Monday… eating ice cream and watching movies?
Right? Same question but with a playful vibe. By messaging her with something like this, you’re more likely to put a smile on her face and make her WANT to reply.
So let’s look at some funny questions to ask a girl over text whenever you want to kick start the conversation with a LOL or two.
Funny questions to ask a girl over text
Whenever you re-engage the conversation over text always open with something funny.
Banter with her, tease her, and make her LOL. Do this and she’ll reply positively.
Here are a few examples of funny questions to ask a girl over text:
Q: You seem like the kind of girl who has a weird hobby like plane spotting. Am i right?
If she has a sense of humour she won’t react badly to this question!
She might say “why do you think that?!” but generally speaking, this text always works well to setup a playful interaction.
A text like this is great banter – you’re calling her out for being a bit of a nerd. So it will always create a fun back and forth conversation.
Q: It’s the weekend. I assume you’ll be smoking crystal and robbing liquor stores again?
It’s fun to play guessing games. Girls love it.
For example, when you meet a girl in a bar, she’s gonna be more receptive if you say “You look like you’re from Russia..” rather than saying “where are you from?”.
And it’s no different over text.
So rather than text her boring questions like “what are you up to this weekend?” instead, play guessing games with her and assume she’ll be doing something mental.
The more outlandish your assumption the better! Because this’ll make her LOL and be excited to message you back.
Here’s another one:
Q: How do you plan to spend your weekend. Petting lamas and milking cows I presume?
Her reaction will be ‘WTF lol’. And this is obviously a good thing! Expect an immediate reply to this text.
Q: I assume you’re lying in bed this morning and suffering from a tequila induced hangover. Fun night?
Again, this is way better than asking her “Did you go out last night?”.
Q: Did you get any yard time today or are you still stuck in solitary confinement?
This is a great Covid related question to ask a girl over text.
This prison analogy fits in perfectly with covid lockdown restrictions. And by asking this instead of “what did you get up to today?” you’re more likely to get a playful response from her.
The mistaken identity text
If you really want to make her giggle, pretend you saw her doing something crazy or out of character. For example:
Q: Could’ve sworn I just saw you roller blading down 5th Avenue with two golden retrievers on leads. Was that you?!
Or if you know she loves meat, you can pretend you saw her doing something out of character:
Q: Please tell me that wasn’t you I just saw walking into a vegan store. If so, you’re banned from all my future BBQs young lady.
A mistaken identity text will setup a playful frame that is guaranteed to get a positive response. Enjoy using these!
And lastly, a couple of more riské questions to text a girl you like.
Only send these messages if you have good banter with her, and you’re engaging in fast back and forth conversation.
Q: Did you receive my child support checks?
This is a good role play question. If she responds well, you can follow up by asking her ig you can see your illegitimate child next weekend for ice cream.
Q: You strike me as the kind of girl who thinks the earth flat. Am I correct?
This text CAN backfire! So proceed with caution!
If she has a good sense of humour and doesn’t take herself too seriously, you can get away with this one.
Q: You strike me as the clumsy type… if I took you on a bicycle ride, I’d definitely bring you a helmet to wear.
This is a harmless question to poke fun at her. Plus this text can very easily lead to a date suggestion. How exactly?
Well, when she replies, she’s most likely to defend herself and tell you she’s NOT clumsy. To which you can then ‘challenge her’ to prove you wrong.
So an easy follow up text would be:
“Oh really! Fighting talk. Looks like I’ll have to put your balancing skills to the test….How about we go on a bike ride next Thursday?”
A lot of these funny questions to ask a girl over text are also VERY flirty. Banter in essence is flirtatious.
And if you’re flirting with a girl already, then she’s definitely ready to ask out…
So let’s look at a few more questions that ramp up the sexual tension and get her excited to meet up.
Flirty questions to ask a girl over text
You want to maintain a flirty vibe at all times to avoid the friend zone.
And by sending flirting texts, you are explicitly telling her you don’t see her as a friend.
So here are some flirty questions to ask your crush over text whenever you’re looking to up the ante and show you’re sexually interested.
Q: Other than hang out with me, what’s your ideal Sunday?
Always assume you are the prize and worth fighting for. This will help shift the dynamic in the relationship and get her chasing YOU.
Imagine she has a life size cardboard cut out figure of you in her bedroom!
This is the mindset you want to have.
Assume she stays up late every night thinking about you, and picturing a life together with you 😉
So with this question, you’re assuming her dream Sunday features you at the centre of it! It screams confidence. And as a result, she’ll reply positively.
Here’s a similar question:
Q: What do you do in your free time other than stalk my Instagram?
Again, this text assumes you are the prize and she’s the one chasing you.
You assume she has nothing better to do than stalk your photos. So this cheeky text is guaranteed to make her LOL.
Q: If you had one superpower, what would it be? Don’t tell me you’d be invisible and spy on me in the shower
The superpower question is a great question to ask a girl.
But if you want to make it flirty, add the bit I included at the end. i.e. assume she’d choose invisibility as her superpower so she could spy on you in the shower…
This makes you look like the prize again. But, more importantly… it’s a sexual innuendo – she’ll be imagining what you look like naked in the shower 😉
Likewise with this straight forward question:
Q: What are you up to m’lady? I’m just back from the gym and jumped out the shower.
Struggling to think up flirty questions to ask a girl over text? Then send this!
When she reads a text like this, she’s gonna imagine you naked, wearing nothing but a towel…
It’s a great question to setup a sexual frame for a fun and flirtatious conversation. Which can ultimately lead to inviting her over for Netflix and chill 😉
Oh, and here’s an even more blatant sexual innuendo:
Q: I have a throbbing headache, are you a qualified Nurse?
I don’t need to explain this one…
Remember with all these questions to ask a girl over text – the context and situation with the girl you’re texting is important.
If you wanna up the ante and get more sexual, first apply baby steps. Don’t jump straight in the deep end otherwise you might scare her off!
If she’s receptive to your flirty texts and replies back positively, then you can slowly progress to the more riské stuff and sexting.
Q: I had an interesting dream about you last night… how’s it going kiddo?
When she reads this, all she’s gonna be thinking about is ‘what the hell happened in your dream?!’ And yes, she’s gonna assume it was naughty…
Hopefully she’s curious and asks about your dream. If so, never tell her the full story. Instead give her subtle clues on what happened eg. “we were locked up in a dungeon together…”
Then tease her by messaging her something like “I’ll tell you the full story over drinks next weekend ;)”
Q: Swear I saw you swimming earlier at Palm beach, or was that a mermaid?
This text works great on Tinder FYI.
Just replace ‘Palm beach’ with whatever water feature – sea, lake, river, or even pond – is located nearby your geographical area!
It’s corny, yes. But it’s guaranteed to make her smile.
Another great way to flirt with a girl over text is to give her a nickname. Something only YOU call her. Not what her friends refer to her as.
By giving her a (sexy) nickname, this will help you avoid the friend zone, and ensure your interactions start off on a sexual note.
So let’s look at a few examples:
Q: Hey trouble, getting up to mischief this weekend?
Can you see how much more flirty this question is, as oppose to using her real name? Eg. “Hey Julia, what are you up to this weekend?”
Let’s look at another:
Q: Hows my favourite fashion student from Sydney?
She’ll love receiving a text like this. Despite it being a bit corny, it’s gonna make her feel special.
Q: How’s my favourite, sexy accountant?
It’s easy to up the ante and get sexual by sending a text as simple as this one.
Girl’s love to feel sexually desired. So there’s no doubt she’ll reply back positively to this question.
OK lastly let’s look at some good questions to ask a girl over text to get a date!
Questions to ask a girl out on a date
Date questions are reserved for when ‘the time is right’. i.e. when you’re texting back and forth, flirting incessantly, and you have that gut feeling she’d say yes to a date.
So let’s look at some great questions to ask a girl over text that’ll lead to a date.
Q: If you could only have one type of food for the rest of your life what would you eat?
The secret to getting a girl to say YES! to going out with you, is to insinuate the date.
You want the suggestion of a date to naturally flow from the conversation. Almost like the idea spontaneously came to you whilst texting her!
So with this food question, you’ll use whatever X food she responds with to then insinuate the suggestion of meeting up with her to eat X food. Make sense?
i.e. You suggest a great restaurant in town which serves X food, and how you should meet up there.
This way the date suggestion will organically flow from the conversation and doesn’t seemed forced.
Here’s another:
Q: What do you prefer – Mexican or Sushi?
Depending on what she likes, work out what are the best Sushi and Mexican restaurants in town and then ask her out.
So if she prefers sushi, text her something like this:
“X location has the most incredible sashimi. You’ll love it. We should go there next week”.
Then wait for her response. If positive, schedule the date!
Q: Whats your favourite ice cream flavour?
Similar to above. Find out her favourite ice cream flavour and then suggest a great place to take her for gelato.
Q: Whats your favourite animal?
This one’s a little more random! But if there’s a zoo or safari park in town, you could suggest a day date to a petting zoo. So she can get up close and personal to her favourite animal!
If her favourite animal is a dog, you could alternatively take her to a dog shelter, or suggest a walk in the park where she’s bound to bump into a furry friend or two!
Q: Have you been to that new trendy bar by the beach yet?
This question allows you to test the water. You’re basically putting feelers out, to see how she reacts.
If she replies with something like, “No not yet! It looks great though!” Then she’s keen to go, and is waiting for someone (you) to invite her!
Always test her reaction to your lead in date texts. This way you can gauge whether or not NOW if the right time to ask her out.
Q: Have you ever gone tenpin bowling when drunk?
This is another great lead in date question. The idea of bowling drunk sounds fun (and slightly dangerous).
So she’ll be curious to try!
Q: How are your tennis skills m’lady?
You can easily insinuate an active date with a girl you’re texting. And tennis is a great first date activity to suggest!
Again, test her reaction to the question. If she doesn’t like tennis, or lacks any enthusiasm to the idea of playing, then obviously don’t continue the conversation any further. Change the subject.
But if she warms to the idea of playing tennis, then you can easily setup the date. And challenge her to a Wimbledon-esq showdown.
These are just a sample of my greatest questions to ask a girl over text! I could give you tons more, but I don’t want to overwhelm you!
Wrapping it up
So that’s it! You’re now ready to have an engaging conversation with this girl you like!
Remember to always read the situation – analyse her responses and choose your questions wisely to match her investment levels and interest.
Now it’s time for you to start implementing these 64 questions to ask a girl over text! Make sure to bookmark this page so you can easily return to it whenever you’re stuck for conversation ideas. 🙂