First of all, people are different and unpredictable, so it’s hard to say whether your ex will ever talk to you again. Sometimes exes reach out even though things have ended on a bad note and seem unfixable.
In such cases, exes take dumpees by surprise. They confuse them as dumpees never expected to hear from their dumpers ever again.
Most of the time, dumpees are the ones who expect their ex not to contact them anymore as dumpers tend to display anger and other signs that show they’ve moved on and found better ways and people to keep themselves busy.
But sometimes (although not that often) dumpers miss their ex (the friendship), regret their actions, and wonder if their ex will talk to them again. Such dumpers are typically told or shown not to reach out as dumpees need space and time to process the separation and get back on their feet.
So bear in mind that even if you have all the signs your ex will never talk to you again, something could change your ex’s thoughts and emotions and inspire your ex to soften up and become nostalgic.
Something unpredictable and difficult could make your ex want to talk to you again despite initially making it seem like you’ll never communicate again.
To reach out, your ex would essentially need to grow, stop feeling the emotions he or she currently feels, and find ways to benefit from reaching out.
Whether it’s uncollected belongings, owed money, curiosity, emotional support, or friendship, your ex’s inability or unwillingness to communicate could change provided your ex is open to change and being a respectful individual.
If your ex has strong rules about staying out of touch with exes, he or she would also have to change those rules. Some people do as they find a strong incentive to grow and get back in contact.
That’s why I want you to understand that there’s always a chance your ex will contact you. It may be a small chance, but if something changes your ex’s opinion of you or if your ex needs you, your ex could make an exception and contact you to discuss whatever he or she thinks is important.
That being said, let’s now talk about the 8 signs your ex will never talk to you again.
1)Your ex got a restraining order against you
When your ex gets a restraining order against you, you have one of the biggest signs your ex will never talk to you again, or at least for a long time. A restraining order shows your ex’s respect and patience for you have plummeted and that talking to you isn’t on your ex’s to-do list.
It’s on your ex’s never-again list as communication is the last thing your ex wants.
Although your ex’s anger and need for space will eventually subside, the same may not be true about his or her negative perception of you. It’s extremely unlikely that your ex will eventually forgive and forget all the things that pushed him or her to get a restraining order against you.
It’s much more likely that your ex will stay resentful and keep remembering you in a negative light. One does not get a restraining order against an ex because it’s fun. It’s often the last thing the dumper does to stop the dumpee from demanding things and causing discomfort.
It’s the only solution that helps the dumper feel free, respected, and in control of his or her thoughts and feelings.
So know that a restraining order is one the biggest signs your ex will never talk to you again. It’s a sign that depicts anger, resentment, impatience, and unwillingness to talk now and in the future.
You should take the restraining order seriously and consider it the perfect opportunity to leave your ex alone and start detoxing from your ex.
2)Your ex told you not to reach out ever again
Another sign your ex will probably never talk to you again is when your ex tells you to never reach out again.
A determined ex who doesn’t want to hear from you and be reminded of you is repulsed and smothered by you. He or she feels so uncomfortable at the thought of speaking with you that he or she even warned you not to reach out in advance.
Such an ex wants to avoid feeling negative emotions by preventing you from ever finding a reason to initiate contact.
Of course, exes often say mean things in the heat of the moment.
They say things like:
- We’ll never get back together
- I’ll never forgive you
- You deserve this
- Leave me alone
- Don’t ever talk to me again
But despite saying such horrible things, they sometimes realize they went too far and decide to reach out themselves. Most of the time, they do that just to apologize or to forgive themselves by seeing their dumpee is doing fine.
This happens when they care about their words and actions and want to end things on a good note.
When they’re not that moral and self-aware, though, they tend to blame their ex for the way they feel. They don’t take back what they said or did because they remain resentful and vengeful and keep viewing their ex in unhealthy ways.
So if your ex has always lacked control over his or her emotions and actions, it’s probably okay to consider that a sign your ex will never talk to you again. It’s probably safe for you to think that your ex is gone and that you need to move on.
Doing so will help you let go of hope and develop a no-expectation attitude toward your ex.
As a dumpee, you want to come to terms with the fact that your smothered ex who expressed the desire to stop communicating may never want to communicate again. This can be a scary thought, especially if the breakup is tearing you apart, but you must accept the situation and overcome your fears.
The sooner you become okay with your ex not speaking to you ever again, the sooner you’ll recover and the stronger you’ll become.
3)Your ex avoids you in public
Dumpers who avoid eye contact and saying hello to their ex in public not only feel uncomfortable and repulsed by their ex in person but they also don’t want to communicate via text or call. They’re done with their ex completely and want their ex to respect their space.
There are many reasons why they avoid their ex. It usually has something to do with feelings of guilt, shame, anger, negative perceptions of their ex, falling out of touch with their ex, not knowing how their ex feels, and the thought of their ex violating their privacy and personal space.
Sometimes most or all of these things combined can make dumpers avoid their exes in public.
Dumpers don’t have to have avoidant tendencies to avoid their ex in public. They just need to paint a black picture of their ex; one that repulses them and reminds them that interacting with their ex goes against their interests and threatens their comfort and safety.
If you notice your ex pretending not to see you, averting eyes, and acting disinterested or busy, forget about talking with your ex. Someone who avoids you at the mall or on the sidewalk has very little or no desire to talk about things.
That person is associating stress with communication and is prioritizing his or her well-being over friendship.
Your ex has basically rewired his or her brain in such a way that seeing you triggers painful reminders and the flight response.
How is this possible you ask? It’s easy. All your ex had to do was think negatively of you long enough to feel negatively by you. You didn’t even have to do anything overwhelming to make your ex uncomfortable and/or scared of conversing.
But if you did do something, some kind of breakup mistake such as begging and pleading, then you probably made your ex even more afraid of talking to you. You should understand why it was wrong of you to do that and why you need to gather the determination to stay in no contact.
4)Your ex changed his/her phone number
If you bothered your ex so much that your ex blocked you and/or changed his/her phone number, you have a strong sign that your ex will never talk to you again. The change of a phone number indicates that your ex had no choice but to establish personal boundaries for his or her own safety and well-being.
It wasn’t the ideal way of getting space, but since you refused to give your ex what he or she needed to self-prioritize and be happy, your ex got irritated and forced you to respect his or her decision and feelings.
Your ex essentially showed you that you’re not in charge of his or her life (anymore) and that your ex doesn’t owe you anything. Not even friendship and random conversations.
The end of the relationship was supposed to free your ex of responsibilities and expectations. Because it didn’t (it increased them), your ex quickly hogged all the power, acted in self-defense, and pushed you away by force.
By doing so, your ex made it crystal clear that love was gone and that communication was out of the question.
Most dumpers change their number only if their ex doesn’t stop annoying them, threatening them, destroying their happiness, and preventing them from moving on with a clean conscience. But some dumpers change their number even if their ex accepted the breakup on the spot and left them to their own devices.
They do this to disassociate from their ex and minimize the risk of hearing from their ex and feeling uncomfortable. Some people don’t feel comfortable knowing their ex could bother them later (let’s say for their birthday) and/or from different numbers.
They want the certainty that things will stay as they are and that they’ll remain in control of the breakup and their emotions in the future.
So if your ex changed his or her number (especially after you overwhelmed your ex with questions, requests, and expectations), know that you may not hear from your ex again or for a very long time.
This depends on how your ex processes difficult emotions, what kind of predicaments your ex encounters, what mistakes you made or make, and whether your ex grows as an individual.
Regardless of what happened or will have happened, don’t wait for your ex to have an epiphany and grow. Life is too short to wait for an ex to forgive you, realize his or her mistakes, and develop a desire to converse with you.
5)Your ex keeps trashing you and ruining your reputation
An ex who hates you probably won’t stop speaking badly of you and disliking you unless he or she loses something dear to him to her and develops self-esteem problems. The ex will instead keep talking ill of you and putting you down as doing so will victimize and empower him or her.
An ex who destroys everything you’ve built (even friendship) is unlikely to suddenly realize it’s wrong to tear you down. You can expect that person to hold on to the negative views of you, hurt you, and try to uplift himself or herself.
That’s how immature and victimized minds operate. They put others down to make themselves look innocent/more attractive and feel better.
6)Your ex is happy even years after the breakup
If your ex is happy years after breaking up and got married and has kids, you have one of the signs your ex will never talk to you again. Your ex will probably continue to focus on people and things that make him or her happy instead.
Only sad, anxious, confused, nostalgic, angry, and bored people reach out to their exes. Such people have lingering thoughts and unresolved worries and concerns they can resolve only by talking to their ex.
That explains why so many dumpers breadcrumb their ex for selfish reasons and string their ex along.
Although some dumpers stop being happy after a while and want to talk to their ex, it often takes them months, years, or decades to do that. They need that long to get in a pickle, improve their mentality, and remember their ex in a positive light.
You shouldn’t keep hoping something goes badly wrong in your ex’s life as that’d be mean and a waste of time. It’d be much better for your mental health to get over your ex and fall in love with someone new.
7)Your ex owes you money or something he/she wants to keep
If your ex owes you something and doesn’t want to return it, your ex could just stay away from you, tell himself/herself lies, and worsen his or her perception of you. Your ex could keep his or her distance in order to benefit from you and keep power and control.
You could always sue your ex, but if your ex just owes you a bit of money or doesn’t want to return your stuff, it may be better to save yourself the effort and count your losses.
You’ll be over your ex and done with your ex quicker if you choose not to engage in a war with your ex.
8)You did something nasty and unforgivable
The last sign your ex might never talk to you again is if you single-handedly destroyed your ex’s respect for you and made your ex resent you, fear you, or feel disgusted by you.
If you slashed your ex’s tires, kicked in the front door, insulted your ex’s parents, manipulated your ex, hit your ex, and spread rumors about your ex, your ex may never forgive you and want to talk to you again.
Your ex could determine that talking to you would be a foolish thing to do after you’ve gone rogue and displayed unattractive traits and methods for dealing with difficult situations.
There’s only so much a dumper will tolerate before he or she blocks you, ignores you, and loses the drive to talk to you ever again. “Ever” sounds like a long time to stay biter. But do keep in mind that some people never stop feeling victimized and start respecting their ex.
They don’t want to because they like being right and feeling in control.
That said, here’s an infographic illustrating 8 signs your ex will never talk to you again.

Do you agree with the 8 signs that your ex will never talk to you again? Do you have any signs of your own to share? Post them in the comments below and we’ll respond soon!
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