Domestic abuse is a severe issue that affects individuals and households all over the world. It includes many abusive actions in intimate relationships, such as physical, sexual, financial, and emotional abuse.
Domestic violence, which affects individuals from every sphere of life irrespective of their age, gender, social class, or cultural origin, is regrettably still a widespread and ongoing issue.
If you’re wondering how to go about domestic violence at this point in your life, books on domestic violence can go a long way in helping you handle it.
Let’s look at the story of a lady named Charlotte who was in an intimate relationship with her high school lover, Ethan. Ethan abuses her physically and emotionally, but leaving the relationship is difficult for Charlotte.
The abuse from Ethan persisted, and Charlotte was becoming a shadow of herself with her mental health all messed up. In the midst of all these, Charlotte still finds time to visit the gym house often and one day, she meets Audrey, and they become friends.
One day after the gym session, Audrey noticed a bruise on Charlotte’s right hand and demanded to know the problem. Her friend narrated all that had been happening and how walking away had been challenging for her.
Audrey felt bad and recommended a book on domestic violence and abuse to Charlotte which, after she finished reading, changed everything. Are you like Charlotte? We want to be a friend like Audrey today by showing you some of the best books on domestic violence that will change everything.
Some Facts About Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is popularly known as a pattern of violent behaviors utilized by one person in a relationship to exert power and control over the other person. Domestic violence can come in any form or shape, such as physical, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, etc.
Also, it is a severe problem with extensive repercussions. The World Health Organization estimates that over 35% of women worldwide are victims of an intimate relationship or non-partner physical or sexual abuse.
However, you must know that men also experience domestic abuse from their abusive partners. Domestic violence often results in long-term psychological stress, injuries, sexual assault, physical harm, hurt, and death.
Also, it goes beyond just physical assault alone. Emotional abuse can leave survivors with long-lasting effects, and it is destructive to one’s own life and mental health.
Abusers often utilize techniques including verbal threats, seclusion, humiliation, intimidation, rape, and dominating conduct.
The domestic violence victim’s self-esteem, independence, and general well-being can be damaged by these types of abuse.
To offer survivors of domestic abuse full support and assistance, it is crucial to acknowledge and address all kinds of domestic violence, both gender-based violence and abusive partners, and this can be done through anti-violence programs.
Without further ado, let’s explore some of the best domestic violence books you should recommend to someone going through that phase in their life.
“No Visible Bruises” By Rachel Louise Snyder
What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us

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“No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us” is a book written and published in 2019 by a renowned author, Rachel Louise Snyder. The book focuses on domestic violence and its often unseen effects. The book explores the experiences of domestic violence victims and abusers to clarify the nuances of this issue everywhere.
The title “No Visible Bruises” alludes to the reality that domestic abuse is not often visibly noticed. It doesn’t usually show on the body of the individual suffering it. Also, Louise Snyder emphasizes that abuse includes physical torture, financial, emotional, and psychological abuse.
The book aims to increase awareness of domestic violence and its extensive impacts by focusing on less obvious types of violence.
Due to the outstanding work done on domestic violence in “No Visible Bruises,” Rachel Louise Snyder has received high praise from critics. The book hopes to increase awareness of this widespread problem, challenge social beliefs, and inspire action to break the cycle of violence in intimate relationships.
You should recommend this book to anyone in an abusive relationship or marriage or to women under controlling men. It’s such an educating read!
“Domestic Violence Survivor” By Kaitlyn Riley
Heal from Domestic Abuse and Thrive as a Survivor

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“The Domestic Violence Survivor” is a book on domestic violence published by Kaitlyn Riley. It’s Part self-help, part memoir, and contains so much explicit violence.
According to the author, the incidents in the book are memories of her time spent in a physically abusive relationship. “Because of what she aims to achieve with the book, she shares some explicit details of what she went through.”
Riley said that the book was written for those who are or have been in abusive relationships specifically. It can also be a helpful tool for family members of someone in an abusive relationship. In her opinion, it will give them a better understanding of the issue and enable them to offer more effective support, thereby saving the victims from angry and controlling men.
Furthermore, the author explained that she was a victim of domestic abuse and that she is aware that learning about other people’s experiences is often a huge source of strength and consolation. She also shared that those in abusive relationships, both the ones that involve physical violence, and sexual violence, always feel remembered after hearing the stories of others. The feeling of knowing they are not alone is a haven.
“Loving Your Spouse When You Feel Like Walking Away” By Gay Chapman (Audible Audio)
Natural Help For Desperate Hearts In Difficult Marriages
“Loving Your Spouse When You Feel Like Walking Away Is an audible audio on Domestic violence by Gay Chapman, a Marriage Counselor, and a Family therapist. Gay Chapman said that most people entered marriage with so much high hopes and dreams that the union would be heaven on earth and they’d be super happy.
None ever had the intention of becoming miserable. The author shared that many couples are facing challenges in their marriages even though they appear happy in public. He further said that he strongly believes in every troubled marriage and that one or the two spouses can take positive actions, which may be the transformation the wedding needs.
In this book, Gay Chapman urges his audience to identify and dispel the beliefs that imprison them. He spoke about having an improved understanding of his spouse’s conduct and accepting accountability for his actions, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
He stressed learning to make decisions that will benefit you and your spouse long-term. Gary Chapman, a seasoned marital and family therapist, offers advice to people whose spouses fall under any of the following categories:
- Irresponsible
- A workaholic
- Controlling
- Uncommunicative
- Verbally abusive
- Physically abusive
- Sexually abusive
- Unfaithful
- Addicted to alcohol or drugs
- Depressed
You should get this audible audio. It will keep you engaged till the end with so many lessons. The author shared so much value, so there’s so much to learn in this audible audio.
“See What You Made Me Do” By Jess Hill
Power, Control, and Domestic Abuse

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See What You Made Me Do: Power, Control and Domestic Abuse is a book about domestic violence published in 2019 by Jess Hill, an Australian investigative journalist.
The first section of the book focuses on what consists of an abusive relationship. After identifying patterns of coercive control other than physical abuse, Hill gradually dispels all myths about the psychology of both abusers and victims.
Each chapter of this book addresses a different aspect of domestic abuse, and when read collectively, they help the reader understand this national crisis called domestic violence in more detail.
In addition, the author gave a thorough and analytic evaluation of the topic, building on extensive research and interviews with those affected, the perpetrators, and specialists in the field.
“See What You Made Me Do” offers more excellent knowledge of domestic abuse to readers while challenging the prevalent narratives surrounding it. Hill also explored the different types of abuse, the effects on victims, and the societal frameworks that support and legitimize such violence.
It also examines how poorly the legal, law enforcement agencies, and support institutions have dealt with domestic abuse and rape.
“Scared Silent” By Mildred Muhammad

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“Scared Silent” is a book by Mildred Muhammad, the ex-wife of the convicted D.C. sniper, John Allen Muhammad. The book was published in 2009 and tells the gripping story of Mildred’s life before, during, and after the terrifying shooting spree in the Washington, D.C., area in 2002.
In this book, Mildred Muhammad shares her true story on domestic and intimate partner violence after marrying John Allen Muhammad. She penned down the personal violence and trauma that she endured at the hands of her husband.
Also, the complicated story of their relationship is detailed in the book, and readers can understand her husband’s use of deceit and manipulation. She also talks about the anxiety and the pain she went through while attempting to defend herself and her children.
Deep into the book, Mildred shared that when John Allen Muhammad and his partner in crime, Lee Boyd Malvo, began a killing spree, her story took a dramatic turn. The D.C. metro area experienced fear for weeks as a result of the shootings that occurred, which spread fear, and when her ex-husband was revealed to be the sniper behind the attacks, she said her greatest fears came true.
Scared Silent” offers a powerful and emotional narrative of resilience and survival, combining personal storytelling with a broader social announcement. It highlights the importance of recognizing and addressing domestic violence while honoring the strength and courage of survivors.
“The Body Keeps the Score” By Bessel Van der Kolk
Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

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Bessel Van der Kolk, a well-known psychiatrist, and authority on trauma, wrote and published “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma” in 2014. In the book, he shared his knowledge of the complicated connection between trauma and the human body.
In “The Body Keeps the Score,” Van der Kolk also explored the understanding of trauma, its impacts on the brain, and its repercussions on a person’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. The Author thoroughly understands trauma and its treatment by drawing on his substantial clinical experience, research findings, and case studies.
Further into the book, Van der Kolk discusses how traumatic events can exceed the brain’s standard coping mechanism. Van also explains how this can lead to various symptoms and problems in different areas of life. He looks at PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), dissociation, and other trauma-related disorders.
This book is worth your time and money if you want to overcome trauma due to intimate partner violence. You can find inspiration to help you heal faster than you can imagine.
Frequently Asked Questions On Books On Domestic Violence
Why is It Important to Educate Oneself About Domestic Violence?
It is essential to educate oneself about domestic violence due to the following reasons:
- Awareness
- To prevent domestic violence
- It is vital to educate oneself about domestic violence to provide support to survivors
- To become an advocate to change
- Safety planning
- To enable us to break the cycle
What Are The Signs Of An Abusive Relationship?
There are so many signs that indicate that a relationship is abusive, and some of them are as follows:
- Explosive anger
- Controlling behavior
- Threats and intimidation
- Physical violence
- Fear
- Financial control
- Sexual coercion or assault
- Emotional manipulation
- Mood swing
Where is Domestic Violence the Worst?
We hear the news of domestic violence virtually from every country. However, these are some of the places that have the highest record of domestic violence:
- South Africa
- Papua New Guinea
- India
- Guatemala
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Russia
What Are The Different Forms of Domestic Violence?
There are different forms of domestic violence, and some of them include:
- Verbal abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional or psychological abuse
- Financial abuse
- Physical abuse
- Digital abuse
Finally, if you’re a victim of psychological abuse, gender-based violence, intimate partner violence, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, etc., the domestic violence books we shared in this post have the support you need, and you can also find inspiration to heal. In these books, you will find stories of other victims of domestic violence.
If you are a woman in an abusive relationship or with an abusive husband, you can find healing and happiness in the pages of domestic violence books. Note that men also undergo intimate partner violence and emotional abuse, and books can be a source of healing in addition to joining a community that gives support.
There are also several anti-violence programs out there that can help with gender-based violence. Heal and regain self-confidence by learning from other victims’ stories. Remember that not only women go through domestic violence, although their numbers are higher.