One of the best experiences of my life was to serve as Grief Counselor at a pet cemetery (yes, you read right!) , I loved it there surrounded by more love than I ever saw in the soul mate business.
The devotion of the pet owners who take the time, effort and expense to see that their beloved pets are given a proper send off is heartwarming and, to tell you the truth, more than a little humbling.
You see, during all the years I coached singles and tried to communicate how to attract true love, I could never accomplish what I hoped for. Yes, there are a couple of marriages, a few children and a small share of happily ever afters out there, and I am happy for those folks.
But the sad reality is that most of the beautiful people who read this column are still single, despite their efforts to find love.
Pets are never disappointed in you.What I see now in my daily work with grieving pet owners is a love so pure, so priceless and at the same time heart wrenching. It is teaching me what unconditional love is all about. Every single mourning pet parent nods in tearful agreement when I mention these facts about the love of a pet:
- Pets are always happy when you come home and show their excitement.
- Pets never resent you for your mistakes.
- Pets never talk smack about you.
- Pets live completely in the moment and invite you to live there too.
- Pets don’t break promises.
- Pets never hold a grudge against you.
- Pets are good for your health. Petting animals lowers your blood pressure and stimulates calming brain chemicals that bring peace and relaxation.
- Pets “read your mind” by paying attention to your moods. Ever notice when you are sad that your pet picks up on it?
- Pets are with you every single day. Your human family and friends don’t see you every day…no matter how stress free your relationships.

A friend of mine once kidded that her beloved horse, Jack, was probably her soul mate. She is a super youthful 50 something and never married was only half kidding. Can an animal be a soul mate?
What do you think? Please sound in with your comments!
Oh, BTW, I became ordained as a minister back in the day when one of my clients asked if I would officiate at her wedding (should that day come) (UPDATE: On October 3, 2014, I officiated at Jeanice Ortiz Wedding).
While I love doing weddings I am also available to conduct precious pet memorial services and funerals. It is deeply soul satisfying to help these loving and grieving pet moms and dads say goodbye to their furry and feathery children. Life sure has some crazy twists and turns, right?
Thanks to the internet, we connceted to pet lovers all over the world. If you want to be part of the mission, the best thing you can do is to share the inspiring and amusing you tube videos posted there.
Here is the link and thanks in advance for paying it forward on behalf of all the millions of people out there who have lost their pet soul mates.
One last note. I adopted Bella that summer. As luck or fate would have it, I brought her home three weeks before my mom passed away. Wise ones say that the right animal comes into your life at the right time. A few years later, Murphy came into our lives.

One amazing fringe benefit is the amazing people and pet owners I meet when I am out walking my pups. Will you meet your two-legged soul mate if you have a dog? I don’t know but you sure might and besides, then you will have a BFF to keep you company in the meantime!