A friend of mine called me to ask me some questions about a single mom he was dating. He wanted to know what to expect, what she was thinking, and how to tell if a single mom likes you.
I gave him a little bit of insight, and then thought I’d share it with you, my readers.
So, here’s how to tell if a single mom likes you: 16 signs:
1. She answers your texts and phone calls quickly.
2. She wears lipstick on your dates.
3. She asks you about YOU, seems genuinely interested and seems to care. “How is work?” “Tell me about your family.” “I want to hear a story about your past.”
4. She is interested in meeting your friends.
5. She smiles a lot around you.
6. She puts her phone away at dinner (unless she has young kids who might be calling her).
7. Saturday nights always work for her to get together.
8. She buys you a thoughtful gift, maybe a book she wants you to read or a plant for your house.
9. She offers to cook you dinner.
10. She talks about a future together. “Maybe we could go to Lake Geneva this summer.” “My cousin’s wedding is in June, I hope you’ll go with me.”
11. She rarely mentions her ex.
12. You’re walking down the street and she holds your hand.
13. She’s not afraid to be vulnerable.
14. She laughs at your jokes, even if they aren’t that funny.
15. If you have to go to the doctor, she offers to go with you.
16. The biggest sign: her kiss. It shouts, “I really like you.”
Here are a couple other questions I’ve been asked by readers and people who reach out to me:
Is there any way to affair-proof a relationship?
I hear so many stories from men and women who explain that they were utterly shocked when finding out their spouse was having an affair. While I completely understand how that scenario could happen, I often wonder if the cheat-ee turned a blind eye, not letting himself (or herself) see the cheating because it was just too painful, or they were too afraid to confront it.
There are a few things couples can do to minimize the chance that their spouse will cheat. First and foremost, communication is a huge component to a cheating-free marriage. Couples should treat each other like best friends, and we all know that best friends talk a lot. They open up, they share their inner most thoughts and feelings.
This way, if something is wrong, the other person can address it and the two can try to work things out before one goes looking somewhere else for comfort and/or happiness. Couples also need to nurture the romantic aspect of their relationship by going on kid-free dates and vacations together. A marriage is like a plant or a pet or even a child—it needs to be taken care of, with lots of attention. If it isn’t fed or cared for, it will die.
How do I tell my spouse that she has gotten extremely overweight and it is a turnoff?
This is a tough one. First of all, you don’t have to tell her she is overweight. She knows. Trust me. The question becomes, does she care? I would approach this as a concern for her health, which is the true isn’t it? Say something like, “You know I love and adore you inside and out, and I am committed to you. But, something is bothering me and I want to share it with you. I have noticed you have gained weight and I am concerned for your health and wellbeing. I want you to live a long and healthy life. So, how can I help? Can we tackle this together? I am here to give you support and I will even go on a complete health regime with you. Let’s do this together. I care for you and love you and I think you are beautiful. But you need someone to step because health is just too valuable for me not to say anything.”
The hard part about this is that people who are overweight need to lose it for themselves. In other words, if they don’t want to do anything about it, there’s really nothing else you can do after talking with the person. It’s very hard not to have control, but realize that you don’t and come to peace with that. You can choose to stay with the person and accept it, or make changes and/or leave. It’s a very personal choice and it’s complicated. Just try to be understanding to the sensitivity women have when it comes to our bodies. Hope this helps!
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