The other day, I asked you if you were interested in private one-on-one coaching with me. I want to help you personally to move on from your Ex and either find new love or be happy alone.
I didn’t want to spend a bunch of time creating a coaching program if no one was interested, so I asked you to let me know if you wanted it.
And the response was a resounding “YES!”
I’ve had HUNDREDS of people express interest via blog comments, emails, or survey responses.
I was both blown away and humbled. I am so thankful for all the encouragement and support I’ve received from you.
In the following, I’d like to share my thoughts about my private coaching program, what I think it should look like…
… And I’d like your input and opinion about it.
Your Journey to Recovery
Your journey to recovery takes you through the “7 Stages of a Breakup” (everyone has to go through these):
- The Shock Phase —>
- The Denial Phase —>
- The Mad Phase —>
- The Emotional Roller-Coaster Phase —>
- The Acceptance Phase —>
- The Conscious Disengagement Phase —>
- The Moving On Phase
The goal of my coaching program is first to determine WHERE in these seven stages you are right now, and what the best individual way for you is to get where you want to be.
Your situation is unique, so my job is to come up with a plan to make sure you get from stage X to stage 7.
From where you are right now —> to emotional freedom, new love, a better life.
The problem is to KNOW where exactly you are right now. It’s not easy to know.
And that’s where my expertise comes in.
How to Know When You’re over Your Ex?
How do you actually know that you are over your Ex-Partner?
How does it feel? How does that look like?
Is it “just” the absence of pain?
Is it “just” defeating the obsession?
In the 14 years that I’m doing this, I’ve witnessed over and over again, that the absence of obsession and pain does NOT necessarily mean that you are over them.
That’s a deception that many people fall for.
Maybe you’ve experienced it yourself:
Feeling better, hoping that you’ve recovered…
… then you hear news about your Ex (new relationship, getting married, happier than ever, etc.).
BOOM… it’s back to square one.
Often even worse than before.
This is NOT real recovery.
How Does True Recovery Look Like?
In a nutshell:
True recovery is when you can stand in front of your Ex and feel NOTHING. Complete neutrality.
THEN you know that you are over him or her. Definitely.
Your whole world-view will have changed.
You will be…
- Free of anger and resentment.
- Feeling happy, emotionally at peace, enjoying life.
- Open for new people and experiences.
You will breathe again without it hurting.
Think about it for a minute.
You’ll be FREE to be YOU. Without remorse or feeling bad about it.
And when you are ready… you’ll attract the perfect person for you.
Have the healthy, happy, loving relationship that you deserve.
This is how it looks like to be recovered entirely from this breakup.
The good news is, you do NOT need to meet your Ex to know that you are over them.
How I Can Help You to Get There…
It’s entirely possible to get there in just eight weeks.
I’ve seen it countless times.
It takes determination, the will to overcome the obstacles that present themselves, and most of all…
It takes YOU being fed up to the teeth with the situation as it is.
I will help you to get there.
In your coaching with me, we’ll determine where you are and where you want to be in eight weeks. We agree on a “game-plan” to get you there.
In weekly calls and emails, I’ll then provide you with the knowledge, accountability, inspiration, and compassion to GET where you want to be at the end of these eight weeks.
In each session, we’ll discuss your questions, make course corrections if necessary, and agree on goals for the next week.
I’ll make sure that you stay on course to recovery (even IF you are your worst enemy).
I’ll be there for you at every step of the way!
This approach has always worked in the past with clients.
I Need Your Input
In a nutshell, this is how the Ex-DETOX Course program will look like.
I’m still figuring out the details and testing out some software programs to manage what we’re all creating here.
But I should have an official offer and application page for the private coaching program class soon (likely next week).
Again, thank you so much for your support and encouragement through all of this. It really has meant the world to me!
I appreciate your thoughts on all of this. What do YOU think? Please let me know below.