Appreciation is the secret to life. Abraham Hicks
I could just stop there and post my all time shortest entry, but I will reflect a bit.
If appreciation is so powerful at manifesting what you want, then why are so many people whining about they don’t have? Why don’t you hear more appreciation among your law of attraction friends. Why do people spend another New Year’s Eve alone?
No matter what’s going on, there is always some one else who has it a little bit worse than you. You know that’s true. If you are like me, though, sometimes appreciation is the hardest thing to find.
I hate going through crud. You know CRUD: Challenges-Reversals-Uprootings-Downsizings. CRUD always sucks.
Unexpected bills, car problems, root canals, lay offs, dog pooping in the house, Days of Our Lives pre-empted by a sports event. CRUD can sneak up on a person at any time and if you are not careful, DEpreciation is waiting to grab you. Depreciation means loss of value. That should get your attention.
Your brain is built to pattern itself into habits.
The Abraham Hicks advice is so simplistic that it doesn’t seem real. Why do they say that “Appreciation is the Secret to Life?” Is it even possible to find appreciation when everything around you is falling apart?
Being in appreciation means that you are calm and relaxed within your circumstances and that is highly magnetic. Happy people are irresistible. Find a way to that zone and you attract completely different behavior from people!
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was an App for that? Whenever you are feeling pressured or overwhelmed, there’s an app for that. Just click the button on your phone and choose something to appreciate from the options that pop on the screen.
Great News! You can train yourself to do just that. Your brain is built to pattern itself into habits. That is just the way it is. Right now your thinking bad thoughts about bad stuff happening around you. I mean is it easy to think about being single? Does it sting a little?
That is why you have to train your brain to seek and find something to appreciate. The good news is that your brain LOVES to pattern itself. It doesn’t take long at all to impress a new pattern and BAM. You are more magnetic and life changes.
Here are some examples of random things you can do ramp up your Love Vibe!
1. Take a breath. If you have listened to any of my manifestation classes, you know I am always asking my clients to take a breath. The air you breathe is an instant and constant reminder of the abundance that surrounds us. There is always enough air to breathe. (Magnetism Tip: Put one hand on your heart and close your eyes when you take a few deep breaths. Your brain always downshifts when your eyes are closed.) Anxiety steals lots of energy that you could use for appreciating. Think on purpose: “There is always enough air to breathe.” Let a feeling of appreciation manifest inside,
2. What part of your body feels good today? I wish I would have known to appreciate my sweatless body before hot flashes started a few years ago. All those nights I slept without waking up in a pool of sweat….ah the good old days! While you may have a health challenge right now, there is at least one part of your body that is thriving, even if it is the hair that refuses to stop growing out of your chin.
3. What can you imagine for yourself today? Your imagination is truly the gift that keeps on giving. I adore my various guided meditation cds. I have a grand collection including work by Kelly Howell, Wendi Friesen, Orin and Daben, Jose Silva and Paul Scheele, among others. Your imagination is always available to you and you can see your life through a completely different lens if you practice.
4. Who needs encouraging today? As you go through your day, watch people’s faces. See if you can pick up sadness or overwhelm in a passer by. Send them love and appreciation. Imagine you have a laser pointer and you are shining a beam of love into their heart. It feels great to lift someone’s spirits this way. Take it one step further and you will be surprised how many people will accept a hug if you offer.
5. Redefine your separateness from your family. I know loneliness is a big problem when you are practicing appreciation. Hard to be thankful for an empty apartment. BUT! It is true that the very people you are lonely for can be a royal pain in the patootie! There is a blessing in distance and the quiet of your home can be a sweet respite for you. Get some fresh flowers and throw open your windows. Celebrate your space and your distance and the fact that you can fill you environment with the things you love!
Abraham Hicks promises over and again that Appreciation fuels the juice of life. I agree! Appreciation puts me
into a calm mindset because I can’t think of a problem at the same time I am appreciating. One time when I was in the midst of a major challenge, I can remember thanking my big toe for helping me walk and keep my balance every single day. Makes me smile again just thinking about it!
When you are calm and relaxed, you are the most magnetic you can be. Turn up your own magnetism and people will not be able to resist you. Really.
Next time you are overwhelmed, remember, there is an app(reciation) for that!
Are you ready to get to the bottom of why you are still single? For a no cost 20 minute Love Magnet Reading, fill out form below: