Why You Still Love Bad Boys After 50 and Why They are STILL so BAD for YOU!
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Isn’t it amazing that even at our age in our 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, we’re still wildly attracted to a Bad Boy?
Want to know why?
Well, he’s the one who can make you feel alive inside.
He understands women.
He’s the kind of guy who’ll tell you that they broke the mold when they made you.
Or there’s no one else he can trust or share his deepest thoughts with other than you.
You love a Bad Boy because he makes you feel special and honored that he chose you above everyone else to be in his life.
These qualities are what make you fall in love with him and the chemistry, well let’s just say it feels amazing.
Unfortunately, there’s a not-so-great side to a Bad Boy.
One day he’ll tell you he loves you and the next day he’ll disappear.
Whys that?
A Bad Boy can’t make a commitment to you or any other woman.
That’s because he loves going after the prize, the woman he wants and desires at the moment.
And he’ll do what it takes to get you into his life.
Sadly, once the chase is over, he tires of you and starts the hunt for someone else.
You’ve fallen in love with this man and when he leaves, it breaks your heart.
And what’s even worse is Bad Boys can come back to you when they’re between relationships.
Your Bad Boy will tell you how much he’s missed you.
This gives you hope and you fall in love with him again thinking he’s back for good this time.
But he’s not.
He just doesn’t want to be alone while he’s looking for his next conquest.
A Bad Boy will continue to come in and out of your life until you decide you’ve had enough and you decide to put a stop to this heartbreaking cycle.
How can you tell if he’s a Bad Boy?
Telltale signs are the extremes in his life.
He’s often very handsome and very masculine.
He wants the best life has to offer whether it’s liquor, cars, or women.
He’s often extremely wealthy and extremely fast in whatever he does.
This makes him feel exciting which is a huge part of his charm in your eyes.
In the long run, a Bad Boy can make you miserable and break your heart as he continuously draws you in and then shuts you out of his life.
Yet you still pine for him because Bad Boys make you feel so good.
These men have an amazing command of the English Language and its powers of persuasion and they know how to use it to get under your skin.
But if you really pay attention, you’ll notice a Bad Boy rarely follows his words up with action.
And that’s why Bad Boys aren’t worthy of you and your time.
Now to inspire you that there are GREAT MEN out there for you to date.
Thanks to working with Lisa, the Universe brought me who I wanted
As a result of working with Lisa, I met a really great guy. He’s thoughtful and smart and tells me he loves that he can talk with me about everything. I’m having so much fun. The Quality Man Template we worked on together told the universe precisely what I wanted and bam! He appeared. You were so incredibly helpful, Lisa. Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it! Alison, New Jersey
And if you’ve ever dated a Bad Boy, I would love to hear how that experience went for you.
Big hugs ~
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