7 Truths About Men That Can Help You Be Successful at Finding True Love after 50
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One of the biggest dating challenges women in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s face is NOT understanding how the male mind thinks and works.
That’s why today, I’d like to share 7 simple truths about men that you can start using right away to turn your dating life around.
BTW . . . I’ve had clients use this advice and go from emasculating men like it was their job to having men fall over themselves wanting to get to know them better.
So here we go . . .
Truth #1: Appreciate a man for who he is . . . A MAN
Men are wonderful but they aren’t women.
They don’t think like women, nor do they communicate like women.
Men come from the mindset of being hero oriented while women are community-oriented.
Since we think on different levels, you can’t expect a man to behave the same way you as a woman might.
Truth #2: Men over 50 are very masculine
In the dating world, when you lead from your masculine side, you are quickly friend zoned because to him, it feels like he’s dating a man.
The key is learning to come from your true feminine power, your heart.
Your heart and vulnerability are your true strengths and they complement his masculine power; to keep you safe and protected.
Truth #3: Men show you love with their actions
Hollywood has messed with our heads on this one.
On the big screen, they show us male characters like the one Tom Cruise played in the movie, Jerry McGuire when he professed his love with a big romantic speech that ended in the famous words, “You complete me.”
Real men show you their love through the actions they take like when they cut your grass or give you their coat when you’re cold.
Truth #4: Men want to make you happy
Let them open the door for you and change that light bulb you can’t reach.
It makes them happy to take some of the burdens of life off your shoulders.
All they want in return is to be appreciated and thanked.
If you do this, they’ll do anything you want the next time you ask, which leads us to Truth #5.
Truth #5: Don’t criticize the job a man is doing for you
He’s doing his best and yes, you may be able to do it better or faster than he can but don’t take over and show him how.
It makes him feel emasculated.
If he has offered to do something for you and you’ve said YES, allow him to do it his way.
Otherwise, the next time you ask for help, he’ll tell you to hire a handyman.
He doesn’t want the aggravation of looking less than in your eyes because he can’t do anything right for you.
Truth #6: Men are not your pet project
I can’t tell you the number of men who have told me stories of how women tried to change them.
The reason you might do that is that you see his potential and try and get him to see it as well. (BTW . . . he sees and accepts you just how you are)
My advice . . . don’t try and remodel a man.
Either accept him for who he is or let him go and move on.
Truth #7: Make it clear you’re interested.
A lot of men over 50 are pretty insecure when it comes to asking you out.
Having been rejected time and time again by so many women, they aren’t so quick about putting themselves back in a vulnerable position unless it feels safe to do so.
If you like a man, encourage him with eye contact, a warm smile, or a flirt online to let him know you’re interested.
Be kind to men and understand that as scared as you’re feeling about dating, most of them are too.
I wanted to share this email hoping it will inspire you to know that you can find love in your 50’s, 60’s and 70’s!
Lisa, I wanted to share with you just how happy I am. Thanks to you and your amazing coaching program, Jim and I met on Bumble.
I am so grateful! Our relationship has grown and evolved without any of the major obstacles or chaotic drama of my prior relationships. Jim and I returned from our first week-long vacation only a few weeks ago. I can honestly say that I am happier now than I’ve ever been in my life.
There are so many reasons I credit you and your coaching program as the only way I was able to find relationship happiness. But there are two key lessons that really made all the difference for me.
First, your emphasis on creating a positive attitude and having fun has been such an important lesson for me. Looking back, I placed unreasonably high expectations on all my first dates and I wasn’t open to simply meeting new male friends and having wonderful experiences with them.
The second and most powerful lesson for me was creating and constantly following my Quality Man Template (QMT). I continue to use it today and I always will. My emotional guidance system paragraph contains affirmations which I love to reread frequently. Additionally, the personal list of values and qualities which are the foundation to my QMT have become guiding principles in all aspects of my life.
When I first met Jim, I quickly discovered that the reason I felt so comfortable and at ease with him was because we shared the same values and qualities.
I truly can’t thank you enough, Lisa! You are a phenomenal relationship dream-maker. Always, always be grateful to you. Rhonda, Ohio
If you’re ready to REALLY take ownership and responsibility for your love life and future . . . I’m here for you.
Let’s get on the phone and discuss what’s not working in your love life, talk about what you really want, and find out if your situation is something I can help with, and most importantly help you craft a plan forward for making this dream come true.
The call is Free. Just CLICK HERE and get ready to change your love life forever like Rhonda has.
Believing in you!!!!
Big hugs ~
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