Mistakes: we all make them.
Every now and then, we’re going to succumb to bad judgment and reap the consequences.
We’ve all been there before, but that’s how we learn and become better people.
I’ll be the first to admit that guys make their fair share of dumbass decisions, like getting into a relationship we’re not ready for, or being too proud to ask for directions.
But then a female friend of mine forwarded this video to ask me what I though about it:
So it’s basically a hilarious rundown of the stuff that some women do even though they know it’s wrong. Yeah, I’ll take a woman who’s cool with poking a little fun at herself any day.
Anyway, I thought this short video was great because it raises some habits that aren’t exactly helpful in the world of dating and relationships.
Plus, I think a little awareness is healthy and keeps a person grounded.
There were a couple of habits in the clip that resonated with me, which I’d like to touch on.
Managing Your Inner Nancy Drew
The first part featured a girl spying on a friend’s phone – some women also do this with their boyfriends.
And I have to tell you, trust is an important factor in a relationship – you need to be ok with the fact that no one should share absolutely everything with you.
Not even significant others.
It’s important to respect those boundaries, especially your guy’s privacy.
If you feel something’s up with your guy, it would be easier to snoop around, but the right thing to do is be upfront with him instead.
If he catches you looking into his stuff, it’ll just create more problems rather than easing any anxieties you might have in the relationship.
Staying Cool as a Cucumber
One of the other things I recommend my female clients to avoid is trashing other women, especially in front of their guy.
Personally, I don’t recommend harboring all that negativity towards others. It trickles down into your consciousness and affects the personality you project to other people, like your partner.
To a guy, it’s a sign of insecurity and low self-confidence, which of course isn’t the best vibe to bring into the relationship. So if you see your guy looking at another woman when you’re together, don’t react to it.
Instead, play it cool and don’t get bothered when his glance shifts towards that girl walking across you.
A guy friend of mine told me about that time he was watching a baseball game with his girl and this bombshell walked past them.
She sat right in front of them, wearing a skimpy getup that caught the attention of every other guy in the vicinity. However, my buddy told me she wasn’t fazed at all and she enjoyed the game without a hitch.
By the end of the evening, he felt even more attracted to his girl because she didn’t flip out when he gave that other woman a few glances.
In fact, she even teased him by saying, “She looks perfect for you…” with a cheeky smile. He ended up feeling like a jackass, but was totally enamored with his girl’s sassy attitude.
So now you might be wondering: do you have certain habits or behaviors that you KNOW that aren’t good for you, but keep doing?
And while you’re pondering on that, check out my new course that will teach you a simple way to connect with guys.
CLICK HERE – to get started and learn more about his Connection Style.
Yours, in Perfect Passion,
– Carlos Cavallo