You met a guy and you want to know how to know if he’s into you – or not. It seems like he wants you, but, you’re not completely sure.
Will you flirt back? Or is he just being friendly?
Before you start analyzing and have that endless conversation about what he did or didn’t do, and if it took 3 or 4.5 seconds for him to respond to that text…
Here are some REAL signs that he is indeed INTO YOU:
He’s Into You If He…#1: Looks you in the eyes
They say, “eyes are the window to your soul” and that’s true. So, the next time you’re with him, pay attention to his eyes.
Watch him when you’re together. Check if his gaze wanders towards you regularly.
Especially watch for moments when he’s checking you out when he thinks you don’t notice.
When he does make eye contact, match it with him – like having an instant excitement in his eyes …
When you see that he keeps the connection, it’s very likely he’s into you.
He Might Be Into You If He…#2: Pays more attention to you.
Notice how he seems to be extra attentive to your needs?
Like, filling up your glass with water when it’s empty. Or taking your arm you when you walk, making sure you don’t slip and fall…
Or even just pulling out your chair and being chivalrous all around.
If you catch him doing these things, then there are definite indications of interest on his part.
Remember to just pay attention to what he is actually DOING, and NOT what he ISN’T saying.
If he’s intently LISTENING to what you have to say, that’s a pretty strong indication. And asking questions to get to the bottom of who you are and what you like?
That’s his way of relating to you.
And if he shares his experiences, his thoughts, especially his feelings – he’s definitely into you.
You see, it’s not easy for men to show their emotions. So, if he does with you, then he sees you as an extra special person and he TRUSTS YOU.
He’s Interested If He…#4: Finds ways to touch you.
Subtle touches is what you should look for. You’ll find him constantly putting himself in a position to touch you, like touching your ear to compliment your earrings.
Or putting his arm around you to protect you from getting cold. Little “necessary” ways that he subtly finds an excuse to touch you.
He’s Curious About You If He…#5: Is always willing to help you out.
Car trouble? He’s there to fix it up.
You need some help in your house? He’s your on-call handy man.
Whatever you need, he’s always there to assist. He’s like your knight in shining armor, ready to save you from any distress.
If he’s doing these things to you, he’s doing what men do to show their interest and devotion.
Unfortunately, many women don’t recognize this peculiar “language of love” that men have, and often misunderstand it.
Guys are really simple human beings. They’re easy to understand.
Remember that the way to see through to who a person really is, is often about seeing what they’re unable to say. Men rarely verbalize love and affection, for the simple reason that he’s A) not good at it, and B) his nature is to SHOW his affections rather than describe them.
So always be willing to understand that just because it’s expressed in a way that is not your own style, it doesn’t mean that the proof you want is not there.
Yours In Perfect Passion…
– Carlos Cavallo
UPDATED 9/24/2021