Austin-based dating app After has kicked off its first pre-launch marketing campaign, targeting Gen Z singles fatigued by traditional dating platforms. As with many more recent dating platforms, After is aiming to capture the market that have been soured on existing or conventional dating platforms – but has also launched a challenge with actual prizes to drum up further support.
The “Crush Cache Clear Out Challenge” encourages users to clear their contacts of past matches, symbolically cutting ties with unmemorable connections like “Joe Hinge” – a clear punch aimed at the popular app Hinge. Participants in the challenge are entered into a draw to win $1,500 or a year’s worth of dates. The campaign also extended to local Austin coffee shops, where singles received After-branded coffee sleeves bearing messages like “You deserve better than the average Joe.”
After CEO and founder Katie Dissanayake emphasizes the app’s mission to move away from superficial connections and endless swiping. “We want to inspire users to make room for genuine, intentional relationships,” she explained, acknowledging the frustrations many users feel with mainstream apps like Tinder and Hinge.
Brand designer Henri Kirkham echoed this sentiment, explaining that After is designed for users “after they’ve been burned by other big-name apps.” To stand out, After has partnered with Austin creators and influencers to drive its message home, culminating in a launch party on September 26 at Latchkey, where attendees can donate their ex’s clothes and meet other local singles.
While the app is launching in Austin, After has plans for a nationwide rollout. So far, nobody knows exactly how far After will grow, but it has the potential to be a strong competitor in a market where more and more users are turning to fresh platforms that can give them a much less draining dating experience.