Should you be honest with men? Is it really the best policy when it comes to dating and Relationships?
Fact: not all women are “girly” or overly feminine.
And that’s perfectly fine with me. In fact, I’ve dated more than a few head-strong ladies myself and enjoyed every minute of it.
But then, these women might find themselves in a pickle when it comes to how they behave around guys.
Some of them think, “Do I have to turn into a meek version of myself just to get a husband or boyfriend? Does a life of being independent mean having to give up any possibility of a relationship?”
I can appreciate where this sentiment is coming from.
In a time when women are running multinational companies and holding positions of power in global politics, it can be confusing for strong-willed ladies who just want a guy to appreciate their feminine strength (and NOT be threatened by it).
Making the Hard Choice With Men & Relationships
So, let me ask you: Do you have to act all lady-like, dolled up 24/7 and surrender all decision-making to a guy just so he’ll like you?
In a nutshell, absolutely NOT.
‘Keeping it real’ is not an obstacle to a healthy, lasting relationship with a guy.
Sure, there ARE guys who just don’t dig the fact that women can be just as assertive and confident as their male counterparts, but that shouldn’t be your concern.
If you acted like a different person and extinguished all traces of your REAL personality, sooner or later that real version of yourself is going to surface, whether you want to our not.
And that’s a recipe for disaster in a relationship.
He’ll feel blindsided and wonder what happened to the woman he met. Worse, he won’t know where to go from there.
Think about it this way: If you met a guy who acted a certain way to impress you – then turned out to be completely different – you’d feel confused, hurt and generally disgusted about the whole thing.
Let The Truth Set You Free (From Bad Dating Advice)
And it’s not about being strong or independent vs. being laid-back and accommodating.
The point is, if you weren’t forthcoming about who you really were from the start, you’ve got nothing but trouble on your hands.
Like I said, not all guys appreciate a strong woman.
But ask yourself – is that any real reason to hide who you are?
Is that an excuse to let him get the check all the time, go out of your way to look “cute” every minute you’re together, or give up all your power in the relationship to make him feel in charge?
There’s only one path you should take, and it’s the one built on TRUTH.
I’m not saying all guys are going to be cool about dating an independent chick. They could very well head for the hills if they wanted to.
And if you happen to date one of these “traditional” fellows, you’ll save yourself a lot of potential grief by agreeing to disagree BEFORE getting into an actual relationship.
Why prolong the inevitable when you can deal with it early on? Plus, you can chalk it up to experience and learn from what happened – that’s not a bad thing.
On the other hand, he might be blown away by the fact that he’s dating such a confident woman. By keeping it real, he’ll respect you for being genuine and upfront with him from square one.
RESPECT is the best foundation to have for a relationship.
Of course, don’t confuse ‘being yourself’ with letting a guy do everything and not meeting him halfway. No one’s owed entertainment and amusement just for showing up.
All I’m saying is that suppressing the core qualities that make you, “YOU” is more trouble than it’s worth. By staying genuine all throughout, you’ll zero in on the best possible partner – and filter out the others.
I know how confusing it can be to balance ‘keeping it real’ with pleasing your guy.
But it’s something you can learn and master – all in just a few easy steps.
If you need a little guidance with this, I highly recommend you check out my information-packed program on creating attraction called ‘Irresistible Desire’.
Yours In Perfect Passion,
– Carlos Cavallo
(If you want to know what guys think about dating and the infamous 2nd date – go HERE…)
UPDATED 9/30/2021