Why do men want sex all the time?
Look – it’s true – most men think about sex all the time. That’s a proven fact. (It’s biology!)
It’s something that’s innate in the system of just about every man.
In a survey conducted by Roy Baumister, a social psychologist at Florida State University, it was reported that men have more spontaneous sexual arousal than women.
Because of men’s hormonal cycle… Women aren’t the only ones with a hormonal cycle. Men go through their cycle in a single 24-hours.
Imagine that.
Men have 10 times more testosterone than women, the highest in the morning and gets lower afternoon to evening time.
What is testosterone? And what does it have to do with men?
Well, everyone has heard of testosterone, but you might not know everything it does for guys.
Testosterone is considered to be the “male hormone” that’s produced in guys and is responsible to contributing a healthy libido and maintaining healthy energy levels. It’s also in women, but in much lower quantities.
So, him wanting sex all them time is not unusual… it’s actually normal for a guy. It goes along with his biological drive to procreate.
It’s not that he’s a degenerate – he’s just driven to a different imperative.
But, what do you do if he wants sex more than you do? How can you keep up?
Here are some tips on how you can even things out, and deal with the difference in sex drives.
Tip #1: Schedule it.
There’s always something that needs to be done that will drain you and leave you too tired to have your fun. At the end of the day, you might feel exhausted and ready to rest.
Me? I end up getting caught up in late-night surfing with the iPad.
What could help is actually having a schedule worked out. It could be however many times per week.
Whatever you both agree on or consider that’s feasible and manageable.
It might sound a bit unromantic, but this will help you prepare yourself – and if done right, can aid in rekindling your passion for each other over and over again.
It keeps you aware of your regularity (or lack of.) You don’t want to let your life patterns get in the way, and realize – “WOWZA… We haven’t boinked in a week!”
Because, yes, even guys get so wrapped up that they might not notice a little more time has gone by.
By setting up a scheduled “alone” time, his anticipation can build up because he knows that you will definitely be all his, and ready for fun and connection on that day/time.
A poll published last week in the UK by “Netmums” found that 6 in 10 busy couples observe a sex schedule to help keep the flames of passion burning.
And it could benefit you both in terms of managing expectations and helping to prevent arguments that would come up if you both don’t meet each other’s needs.
Tip # 2: Keep your communication open
Sex is a vital aspect of any marriage. Whatever your physical and emotional state is that’s crimping your sexual drive, it’s best to be open about it.
Talk to him. Have an honest conversation.
Whether it’s about you feeling conscious about your body, or perhaps you wanting more out of the physical relationship.
Just be upfront and let him know what’s going on. Do it neutrally to explain what your feelings are.
Remember that guys feel responsible for your happiness, so expressing anything else often feels like it’s “his fault” – even when it’s not.
That’s something that you as a woman have to be sensitive to.
So, is he a dog? YES or NO.
Yes, because dogs’ testosterone levels are high – like men – and they can’t stop themselves from craving sex. The need to procreate is in their system…and that just is.
Honestly, it’s part of the reason that our species is so successful on this planet.
On the other hand…
No, because unlike dogs, men have the common sense to have a logical conversation with you, and they’re just as loyal to their owners.
Here’s an idea… treat your guy in all the best ways you’d treat your dog – give him your love, patience and understanding.
And accept him for who he is, so you can have a relax, happy and stable relationship.
Yours In Perfect Passion…
– Carlos Cavallo
UPDATED 9/27/2021