10 Winning Strategies Women Over 50 Used to Find Lasting Love
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So many women over 50 find the search for the right partner to be challenging and exhausting.
That’s because most women think its their profile on the right dating site that gets them the guy.
Over the years of doing this work, I’ve found that the women who approached dating with a positive mindset and lots of enthusiasm are the one’s who ended up meeting high quality men they now share their lives with.
I’ve also noticed these women share 10 distinct traits that you probably have too – that helped them get their guy and I’m eager to share these with you today.
Trait #1 . . . Confidence and Independence
Women over 50 who intrigue a potential partner share 2 common traits: they radiate confidence and lead vibrant lives. (BTW. . . Men have often told me that confidence is the #1 trait they appreciate and desire in a woman)
Think about the passion you feel about the things you love doing in your life.
This is what lights you up and makes you more interesting which amplifies your attractiveness to men.
Balance is important in a relationship.
You want to make room for a partner while keeping your own passions alive.
In relationships, as women, we often give up our own activities in favor of what a man wants to do.
This dims your inner glow – the very thing that attracted a man to you in the first place.
Keep engaging in the activities you love and feel passionate about.
This is a huge part of what a man loves and cherishes about you.
Trait #2 Embracing Your Femininity
Men love your softer side which is your true feminine power.
Men know you are strong and can do anything you put your mind to.
They want to make your life easier and often we push them away and say we can do it ourselves.
The reason we do this is because we think if we let them do the lifting for us, it makes us look weak. It doesn’t!
When you allow yourself to receive, men will step up to make your life better and easier for you.
Trait #3 Communicating Effectively with Men
Men have told me they have a hard time following stories that women share about other people and things they know nothing about.
An example of this is when you share a story about your friends husbands cousin who is seeing a man that lives two cities north of her and she really likes the guy but doesn’t know how to get a second date.
This is the kind of story you want to share with a friend.
If you’re sharing it with a man, chances are his eyes are glazing over with overwhelming details he can’t follow.
That being said, they do want to hear stories that affect you directly.
Trait #4 Letting Men Be Men
Men really do want to make your life easier but when its not up to our expectation of how it should be done, we criticize or second guess them.
By doing this, he feel less than in your eyes – something no man wants to feel and he will stop doing for you because he feels whatever he does will never be enough.
Trait #5 Crafting an Engaging Online Profile
My clients who found their guy online had AWESOME profiles that captured the essence of who they are that attracted the right kind of attention from the men they wanted to meet.
(If you want to know how they did it, it’s all here in the Creating Your Irresistible Program.)
Trait #6 Looking Beyond First Impressions
Online dating is one-dimensional, meaning its so easy to make snap judgements about men based on their looks.
If you were at a party, you’d get to see how a mans personality and his looks blend which can make him a lot more attractive than just seeing his picture online.
Be careful of knocking out average guys who might make great partners.
If a guy reaches out to you and seems nice, give him a chance.
Trait # 7 Enjoying Dates as Opportunities
Women who have success at finding love with a good man go on a date with the mindset of getting to know someone new and interesting.
They don’t do dating resume interviews and they don’t check off imaginary must-have checklists that knock guys out faster than you can drink a cup of coffee.
Not all men will be a romantic interest.
There are good guys out there who could be your friend too.
Trait #8 Exploring Outside Your Comfort Zone
Women who date men that aren’t their usual type find there are far more good men out there to date than they ever imagined.
It’s easy to get in a rut, dating the same guy just with different clothes, hair and shoes over and over again.
You’re attracted to him not because he’s good for you but because he feels safe and comfy, like that old pair of shoes you can’t seem to throw away that no longer fit.
What we looked for in our 20’s is totally different than what we might want in a man today and it takes getting clarity on what this means to you.
My clients craft a personalized “Quality Man Template” to help them recognize why their past preferences in partners may no longer serve them.
This reflective exercise leads them to redefine their criteria for a partner, often resulting in discovering wonderful men whom they might have overlooked before.
Trait #9 Persevering in Dating
A BIG mistake women make is giving up on dating after 5 dates with 5 not so great guys.
To be successful at dating over 50, you have to keep at it.
Keep getting out there meeting those new and interesting men we talked about in #7.
Try new dating sites and apps or start talking to men you meet in real life.
Trait #10 Seeking Help When Needed
The women who had the most fun dating and meeting Mr. Right got help.
They recognized they couldn’t do it all alone.(some had tried for anywhere from 3-20 years before getting help)
What made the difference is they took action to get the advice and support they needed, worked with me 1 on 1 or in my Group Program then used what they learned from our time together to meet the right man for them.
As Sheryl discovered, one strategic move can be the key to unlocking new romantic possibilities.
Lisa joining your Love after 50 Group was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I learned so much about men, myself, communicating with men and so much more. It’s made a huge difference and helped me have fun dating as a woman in her 60’s. (And yes, the profile we created together has been great for attracting new and interesting men) And I love how you share what to do and what to say to men. It’s all been a dating game changer for me. So grateful to you and your program. Seeing the women including my self finding interesting men to meet is a paradigm shift that is priceless! Thank you so much. P.S. Found my guy and we’re now living together. I am so HAPPY!
So today, I encourage you to take a proactive step towards finding your right match.
Each action is a step toward your own success story.
Believing in You!
Your Next Steps to Love after 50. . . .
💞 Feeling like you are on a merry-go-round of mismatched dates? Lets press pause and talk about how we can write a new love story for you. Click here to start our conversation. Tell me your story – I am here to listen and guide you towards meeting someone truly special.
If you are still gearing up for that step, I have plenty of insights and inspiration for you:
1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for heartfelt dating wisdom and uplifting success stories from women who have been just where you are. They found love, and so can you. Click here to watch and learn.
2. Discover a new chapter in your dating life with my book, “The Winning Dating Formula.” It is more than a book; it is your journey to love mapped out. And it is just a click away on Amazon. Click here and start attracting the love you deserve.
3. Join our Finding Love after 50 Facebook group to find camaraderie and connection. It is a warm and welcoming space to share your journey and receive support every step of the way. Click here to become part of our community.
4. On the lookout for a dating site that resonates with you? Browse through my personal selection of the best dating sites tailor-made for fabulous over 50s. Click here and say goodbye to guesswork.
Let these resources be your steppingstones to a love life filled with promise and joy. When you are ready, I am here to take that journey with you. Together, lets find your Mr. Right! 🌹
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