If you want to grab his attention, you need to learn a few pick-up lines to use on guys. Not only will he be awed by your confidence, but he’ll want to get to know you more!
There seems to be quite a common stereotype out there that men are the only ones who ever use pick-up lines to attract the opposite sex. We’re sure you’ve been in a bar, minding your own business, when a man has walked up to you and dropped what has GOT to be the cheesiest line you’ve ever heard in an attempt you get you. But there are plenty of pick-up lines to use on guys too!
There are tons and tons of funny memes circling the internet addressing terrible pickup lines that, unfortunately, some guys really do use.
But have you ever tried to use one on a man before? While it’s not as common for women to use pick-up lines on men, it still happens. [Read: The clueless guy’s and girl’s guide to using pick-up lines]
When to use pick-up lines for flirting
Pickup lines are best used to break the ice. So, if you see a guy you like and you want to talk to him, a great way to get a conversation going is to use a pick-up line to get his attention from the first second you speak.
The hope is that you choose a good line that will make him laugh or, if your delivery is good enough, find you totally spellbinding from the first second.
Of course, there is also the risk of using a terrible pickup line and completely turning him off from you, so be careful with which one you go with!
Another thing to keep in mind is that after you approach a guy and strike up a conversation with him, you won’t really use a pickup line after that moment.
If you carry on using lines after you’ve spoken to him once or twice, it’s going to look like pickup lines are all you’ve got, and it will make you look disingenuine. [Read: Flirting – What it is, 5 different types, and how to pick a style that works for you]
How do men respond to pick-up lines when women use them?
Wonderfully! Men like the fact that a woman has chosen to take the initiative and move the initial effort away from them.
Don’t be afraid to go up to him and use one of these pickup lines for guys; you’re just as entitled to make the first move, this is the modern day!
And if a guy finds it weird that a girl is using a pickup line on him, well, do you really want to be around him?
He’s obviously stuck in another century altogether. When done correctly, pick-up lines are super-flattering, and everyone likes to be flattered.
But of course, you don’t have to go with a charmingly sweet approach. If you want, you can also use dirty pick-up lines to use on guys. That will certainly turn his head for all the right reasons! [Read: Be your own hero – What it means and how to take control of life]
Men love your flirty, dirty pick-up lines
So, what have you got to lose? We challenge all women to step up their game and drop a few pickup lines in a cute guy’s direction. Be confident and say what you want!
If you’re stuck on which ones to use, these dirty pick-up lines to use on guys are a foolproof way to get their attention and make them stick around. [Read: How to talk dirty to a guy and sound really sexy!
1. Hey, what’s your name? I need to know what I’ll be screaming tonight.
2. Well, hey there! I sure don’t need a spoonful of sugar to swallow you.
3. Are you a candle? Because I want to blow you. [Read: Hot blowjob secrets to drive him wild with desire]
4. Nice shirt! What’s it made out of, boyfriend material?
5. If I told you I worked for UPS, would you let me handle your package?
6. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but isn’t your name Richard?
7. Those are some nice pants! Mind if I test the zipper?
8. You look like a really hard worker. I have an opening you can fill.
9. You’re pretty cute. But do you know what would make your face look better? If I sat on it. [Read: 18 girl-on-top tips to make sex a lot sexier!]
10. Do you want to give me an Australian kiss? It’s like a French kiss, but down under.
11. I’m not wearing any socks. And I have the underwear to match.
12. Do you know what would look really good on you? Me.
13. I might be wasted tonight, but the condom in my purse doesn’t have to be.
14. You’re the opposite of my homework in high school. *How?* I actually want to do you all night long.
15. *What’s your name* They call me “The Truth,” because quite frankly, people just can’t handle me.
16. If I would’ve known I’d be getting this wet tonight, I would’ve worn my bikini.
17. Breathe if you want to have sex with me tonight. [Read: Sexiest types of sex you can ever have!]
18. You’re definitely on my to-do list tonight.
19. You look familiar. Have we had sex before? *No* Well, we should.
20. Those pants look great on you. But they’d look even better on my floor.
21. Want to make a porno? We don’t have to tape it. [Read: Why men watch porn instead of their woman in bed]
22. *What’s your name?* My name is _______, but you can call me tonight.
23. Screw me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we met before?
24. Can I borrow a kiss? I swear I’ll give it back.
25. I was feeling a little off today, but you managed to turn me on.
26. Are you feeling a little down? I can help feel you up.
27. You remind me of my pinky toe because I’m going to bang you on every piece of furniture imaginable.
28. Hey! Do you want to do 68? *What?* You go down on me, and I owe you 1. [Read: Why the 69 position isn’t all it’s cracked up to be]
29. Do you think it’s loud in here? *Yeah, it is!* Do you want to use my thighs as earmuffs?
30. Roses are red. Violets are fine. I’ll be the 6, if you’ll be my 9.
31. Is there a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants.
32. We’re like hot chocolate and marshmallows. You’re hot, and I want to be on top of you. [Read: How to ride a man and look sexy doing it!]
33. Let’s play carpenter. First, we’ll get hammered, and then you’ll nail me.
34. Do you like whales? Because we could go hump back at my place.
35. Is it hot in here or is it just you?
36. I’m not much of a wine girl. I prefer moans.
37. Are you a fireman? Because you came in hot and left me wet. [Read: How to make a guy horny while sitting next to him!
38. Are you from Japan? ‘Cause I want to get in Japants.
39. I know a great way to burn off the calories in that drink.
40. Please don’t let this go to your head, but do you want some?
41. Are you an elevator? Because I’ll go up and down on you.
42. That’s a nice shirt. Can I try it on after we have sex? [Read: Kinky sex positions for a wild night every day of the week]
43. I think I could fall madly in bed with you.
44. I don’t think I want babies, but I wouldn’t mind refining my baby-making technique with you.
45. Are you a sea lion? Because I can sea you lion in my bed tonight.
46. Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged!
47. Let only latex stand between our love. [Read: Condom types and how they can improve your sex life]
Sure, some of these pick-up lines come off quite strong, especially if you’re new to the pick-up game.
If the full-on dirty pickup lines to use on guys aren’t quite up your alley, here are some toned-down versions that will still help you get his attention.
48. Are you an Avenger? Because I think we’re endgame.
49. You know what’s on the menu? Me “n” u. [Read: 15 easy conversation starters you can use with a guy you like]
50. Hey, is your dad a boxer? Because you’re a knockout.
51. I think there’s something wrong with my phone. Your number’s not in it. [Read: 17 amazing conversation starters to get something going]
52. Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?
53. Are you a loan? Because you’ve got my interest.
54. Do I know you? Because you look a lot like my next boyfriend. [Read: How to look cool in front of a guy without breaking a sweat]
55. Ah, my teeth are aching. You’re just too sweet. [Read: 27 conversation tips to stand out on dating apps]
56. I’m sure you’re taken, but I had to introduce myself.
57. Do you like girls who make the first move?
58. Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m free tomorrow, how about you?
59. Titanic. Sorry, that was a terrible ice breaker. [Read: Online dating tips for women to boost your dating game]
60. You light up my day.
61. Do you know CPR? Because you just took my breath away.
62. You look like you could be the peanut butter to my jelly. [Read: Truly corny signs you’re made for each other]
63. If you were a vegetable, you’d certainly be a cute-cumber.
64. You look cold. Want to make me your blanket?
It’s time to rock that confidence!
If you struggle to approach guys, now is the time to own your confidence, take a deep breath, and go for it. Life is too short to sit around waiting for guys to do all the approaching; so stand up and take control of the situation!
These pick-up lines to use on guys might be a little forward, but hey, that’s exactly what you need to be to get what you want. Dirty and flirty pickup lines will do exactly that.
[Read: 21 secrets to be more sexual and fall. in love with the sexy side of you]
Using dirty and flirty pick-up lines to use on guys isn’t for every woman, but if you can manage to get some of these out, we assure you that you’ll be in for an entertaining night.
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