[Note #1: I HIGHLY recommend that you carefully read ALL of this.]
[Note #2:: This post isn’t a “public post,” and I really don’t want the rest of the internet to see this. So I’d be super grateful and relieved if you didn’t share this post on twitter or your blog. Thanks!]
Hi, this is Eddie, and I’m hoping you have time today for a heart-to-heart conversation. I think it’s time. In fact, it might be overdue.
I’m talking about a GOOD heart-to-heart (NOT the bad kind of heart-to-heart people have before … you know … this is the opposite of that conversation).
Something Great Has Been Brewing (But Brewing Nonetheless)
I’ve been a breakup coach for over 14 years (before I even knew other breakup coaches) …
And even though I’ve been asked time and time again (I’m asked more each year) to start personal coaching again, I haven’t yet.
I’ve been hesitant for a long time.
Eleven years ago, when my twins were born, I thought I didn’t have the time. I was too busy raising them, and I wanted to spend every minute with them and my wife.
So the other day, I asked you if you’d be interested in me coaching you personally to move on from your Ex.
And (lo and behold) between email, blog comments, etc. I’ve received over 500 responses from people all over the world!
Every time I’ve written a blog post about me, planning to start coaching again (which we are all building TOGETHER), I’ve received an unbelievable number of comments.
I thought I was hallucinating. I thought I was dreaming. I just didn’t anticipate a response like this.
But What Surprised Me the Most Was How Much Your Responses Impact Me on a Personal Level
I just didn’t anticipate that all this would have a deep and profound impact on me emotionally.
Your surge of support was encouraging and exciting and unreal and inspiring and overwhelming and humbling and scary.
And for the first time in a very long time, I got REALLY excited about something new.
But in the midst of the range of emotions, WE WERE ALL feeling about this, I never felt intimidated.
Back when the hundreds upon hundreds of responses started coming in, I never felt intimidated.
How I Came to Feel Intimidated
Last week I asked everyone interested in having me as a personal breakup coach to fill out a survey.
Again, you sent in hundreds of detailed, lengthy, thoughtful, amazing responses.
And it was looking at these survey responses that made me intimidated.
Looking at these responses helped me realize the immensity of what we’re about to do.
I got intimidated because I realized HOW much you need this and HOW much you would profit from it.
I have to change my whole coaching approach.
In your survey responses, you told me what you wanted in a coaching program.
You said you wanted individual coaching calls via Skype/Phone. Some of you wanted coaching by email only.
You want someone who understands your pain, someone with compassion who knows how to help you to move forward. You need an action plan on how to free yourself from your Ex-Partner and so many more great and helpful things.
I Think You Need These Things Too
But it hit me that this isn’t going to be a little side project (although it will be really fun). With the hundreds upon hundreds of responses I’ve been getting, it hit me that this is going to be so much bigger than I had originally imagined.
I realized that, if this coaching is going to really, REALLY work, this is going to need to be more than a fun project that I get excited about …
… AND I’m going to need to cancel some plans, re-organize my schedule.
It also hit me that my reputation will be on the line in a much bigger way than it has before.
Also, with my time investment, and creating the best coaching program from scratch, this personal coaching won’t be dirt cheap to run or attend.
This will be an undertaking for both of us because we’re not talking about receiving “fortune cookie advice” like many coaches out there dish out. We’re talking about a comprehensive all-inclusive coaching program made by someone who really knows his stuff.
What It All Comes down To…
I am 100% committed to making this work.
It’s very important to me that my clients get the very best results fast.
I want you to move forward in the right direction and see a significant improvement in your specific situation.
If I start personal coaching again, I just cannot go halfway with this. It’s “all the way or not at all.”
I want this coaching program to be the first and the highest quality program out there.
Hands down.

Here’s the Part Where We Have a Heart-To-Heart
Moving on from your Ex will be a learning process for you.
But this coaching program will be a learning process for me as well.
I will need to hone in on what is most useful to you and how to best help and mentor you (so that you feel equipped to get over ANY obstacle and handle ANY situation that comes your way).
The Very First Coaching Students (Exciting)
When the personal coaching program’s doors OFFICIALLY open, I want us to have all the kinks worked out.
I want to ensure that what we will cover has been carefully crafted from the ground up to meet your needs, that our online learning environment works without a hitch, that the conference call service we use meets needs that might crop up.
And I want to have a ton of success stories and positive testimonials from the people that embark on this journey with me (you!).
When my Coaching Program OFFICIALLY opens, I want to make sure that everything works as well as possible.
How You Can Benefit from This
I am considering offering an initial limited group of people access to my private coaching program for a sharp discount off of the eventual price.
These first few people will make up the first graduating class of my coaching program, and will probably get lots of other benefits too that I will announce soon.
Here’s The Trade-off . . .
As members of this first few people who go through my personal coaching program, I’ll want extra feedback and participation from you. I’ll want you to give me lots of input on the structure and content of the entire experience. What you’d like to spend less or more time on. And which aspects of the coaching you find most valuable.
And, of course, let me know as soon as possible if there are any technical glitches (and have patience with me as we get them fixed quickly…!).
And in Exchange for This, You’ll Get a Sharp Discount Off the Final Price
Oh yeah, and you’ll also get discounts, special perks, etc. on future group coaching or online courses that I create.
Are you POTENTIALLY interested in becoming one of my first new coaching clients?
At this point, I’m not looking for commitments (after all, I haven’t even told you what the price will be, nor have I decided it myself) …
… but if you’re POTENTIALLY interested in being a part of the first private coaching group, then click this link to email me directly. (eddie [at] lovesagame.com)
Let me know:
- That you’re interested, and …
- How much you think the private coaching program should cost when we officially open the doors (remember that you will get a sharp discount).
IF I decide to proceed with this coaching program, then I’ll be sending you details in the next few days.
Stay tuned,