Dating platform eharmony has released its latest Dating Diaries report, examining dating, sex, and relationship trends for the year ahead. Among its findings, the report shared that 49% of Gen Z singles have finding a long term relationship as their #1 dating goal for 2024.
The Dating Diaries is an annual report & survey published by eharmony, with this year’s edition looking at changing attitudes and new resolutions for 2024. Here are some of the report’s key findings:
Setting New Goals in the Bedroom
Singles in 2024 are committed to a number of changes when it comes to sexual attitudes and behaviours.
Firstly, singles are committed to reducing stigma over body counts, with 67% of singles saying that they do not plan to ask their next partner about their body count. Additionally, Gen Z respondents said that they will be prioritising the communication of their sexual needs and preferences with their partners in 2024.
Despite this, eharmony’s research found that the orgasm gap is still a prevalent issue. Only 32% of individuals in relationships report always having an orgasm with their partner, but 61% said that an orgasm is very important.
Overall, the Dating Diaries found that Millennials are having more sex than any other generation currently. Single Millennials slept with more people than other generations in 2023, with 38% saying they want more sex in the coming year.
“Rather than shaming ourselves for being a partner in progress, we can commit to trying something new and staying curious about how having sex feels.” shares Casey Tanner, an eharmony relationship and sex expert.
Seeking Meaningful Connections in 2024
While some want to enhance their sex life, others seek long term connections. Among Gen Z singles, their primary dating goal for 2024 is to find a long term relationship (49%), followed by doing more intentional dating (47%).
For those already in couples, improvement is the name of the game. 49% of Millennials shared in the study that they want to build a healthier relationship in 2024. Furthermore, 30% of those in relationships want to explore their sexuality more, and 20% want to get engaged or married.
“This year Gen Z had the highest number of dating regrets, with 21% stating being love-bombed as their biggest from the year. This represents the latest dating trend for 2024 — avalanching — when being love-bombed reaches new heights during the winter months and you try to get out of the relationship before it comes crashing down on you”, explains Laurel House, an eharmony relationship expert.
Changing the Narrative of Dating Leagues
The use of the word “leagues” when it comes to dating often comes in phrases like “They’re out of my league” or “She’s out of his league”. But eharmony is reframing the narrative of leagues to focus on what daters in 2024 really value.
The dating platform has created its own ‘leagues’, looking at what traits make someone an ideal partner. Gen Z singles reported that emotional intelligence (28%), a sense of humor (23%), and intelligence (16%) are their top traits in a romantic partner.
Millennials agree that putting emotional intelligence (26%) is vital, but then put intelligence (19%), and physical attractiveness (15%) as their next two priorities.
“eharmony has coined new dating leagues for 2024, which shed light on the current values daters have and how they impact today’s dating landscape. Gen Z and Millennials are becoming culture shifters in regard to mental health, quality of life, and healing,” shares Minaa B. an eharmony relationship expert.
‘The Dating Diaries 2024 Trends Edition: Playbook for Dating, Sex and Relationships’ report was conducted by Harris Interactive. It surveyed over 1,600 respondents between September and October 2023.