Why complain about the past, when it won’t get you anywhere? In this short Podcast Snack, I’m talking about why you want to focus on the present to stay positive and create a bright future.
What Is a Podcast Snack?
This is my first Podcast Snack which is like a little nibble of information for when you have a moment in between other activities. I want to be a little more open and share what is on my mind from a spiritual perspective.
There won’t be a regular schedule for these Podcast Snacks. They’ll come up when something hits me that I want to talk about. So, this is the first one – yay for me!
Sharing on LinkedIn
I’ve been enjoying LinkedIn and have been on the platform a long time. Lately, I’ve been making more comments, sharing, and posting more often.
It’s a more professional platform, but sometimes I see some of that nastiness you find on Facebook and Twitter. This always surprises me. There’s a lot of negativity that people put into their sharing.
Everybody gets to choose what’s right for them. Personally when I share, I always try to share from a place that could inspire, uplift or show appreciation.
This is because I’m looking for opportunities to lift and expand my own energy. When I share from this place I have the chance to lift or inspire others. That’s how I look at sharing on social media, strange as that might seem.
The New Jane Goodall Barbie Doll
What inspired me today to create a Podcast Snack was something posted by the Female Lead, a group with 3.3 million followers on LinkedIn. They post comments on women and women’s roles, etc.
Today in the post was a picture of Jane Goodall with a Barbie doll wearing a safari outfit and binoculars with a chimp doll. There’s a quote from Jane that says, “When I was growing up there weren’t any female role models.”
This is related to the new Barbie doll that represents her – its her own doll. I thought this was such a fun thing – how nice! Her focus on the present to improve today.
Complaining and Feeling Insulted
Of course, there were complainers. One woman said she disagreed because there have always been role models. Just because they weren’t career women didn’t mean they weren’t good role models. She felt the post insulted women like her grandmother.
I find it very hard to believe with who Jane Goodall is, all the work she did, and where she was coming from that she wanted to insult stay-at-homes wives.
The women who cleaned, baked, raised children, did charity work, and all the traditional stuff were not being slighted.
I don’t think Jane’s intention with Barbie and saying there were no role models when she grew up was to put down the house wife. I really doubt it.
But she didn’t want to be a house wife. She had other dreams for she wanted to do and that’s fine. Everybody gets to do their own thing today, right?
All she was saying was there probably weren’t any other women out in the bush in Africa studying chimpanzees. Or doing that kind of scientific research she did in the wild. She didn’t have any female role models doing what she wanted to do.
Yes, there were always women to inspire us. The Suffragettes in the early 1900s picketed and did everything they could to get the women’s vote.
They fought to convince President Woodrow Wilson to get over it and make us equal by signing the bill and giving us the vote. This is a great example of female role models from more than 100 year ago.
Negativity on Social Media
The thing that really hit me was, how many people make negative comments and are angry about history.
My point is, let’s not complain about history. It wasn’t perfect but what is perfect? Everything starts somewhere.
So, when you go back and look at history and say, They didn’t do a good enough job!” That doesn’t work.
You can’t go back and look at history through the eyes of today because they weren’t here now. They were living on earth back then, which was a different time with different social mores, etc.
Focus on the Present Moment
When you expend energy being mad about the past, then you are not in the present and you are not working on the future. To quote Deepak Chopra, “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
So, that’s my point and what I said on LinkedIn.
I wrote a post that said, “You can’t go back and make your bed.” I don’t know if you are familiar with that old adage. You can’t make your bed again, it’s in the past. You can’t change that.
So, we can’t go back and edit history. However, we can be here now and focus on the present moment. We can think about what we can do today and who we can inspire for tomorrow.
Be concerned about the roles models we create for the youth of today by being our best selves, and striving for what we want. This is accomplished by being a positive force now.
Can I Inspire You to Be Positive?
I guess I’m hoping that I might inspire you to be positive in your comments on social media.
You might be angry sometimes and you might not even like what I’m saying and that’s OK too. I’m just saying it for those people who might inspired to try something different.
My hope is that people will leave their anger about the past in the past, and expend and use their energy for the present to can create the reality you want today.
We can’t change what happened in the past. There’s nothing we can do about it. But we sure can change right now, and we can absolutely change our future.
Words have great power – use them wisely, consciously, and when possible, for the good of all concerned.
If you’re interested in Business or Life Intuitive Coaching, or a one-time intuitive or past life reading, please email me at Ronnie[@]Nevertoolate.biz and let’s schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation. Thanks!