I want to talk about a topic that’s particularly close to my heart — how we, as therapists, can lovingly close the loop after a session with our clients and STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM! It’s a testament to the depth of our care and commitment that we often find ourselves thinking about our clients’ problems and wellbeing even after the session has ended.
While this reflects our genuine concern and responsibility toward our clients, it’s also important to recognize the need to gently redirect our minds to ensure our own wellbeing. We deserve to have healthy boundaries and work-life balance. Here are some strategies that have helped me stop thinking about my therapy clients, and I hope they’ll help you too.
If you’d prefer to listen to this one, I’ve also recorded a podcast episode on this topic. You can find it on this page, or on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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1. Understanding the ‘Why’
As therapists, we enter into a profession driven by empathy, compassion, and a desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others. It’s only natural that we take our work to heart. However, when the session ends and we find ourselves in an ambiguous situation, our minds may continue to race, exploring various possibilities and outcomes.
This is often because we feel a deep sense of responsibility toward our clients, and the plethora of options and outcomes can sometimes leave us without a clear case conceptualization or a definitive plan. So our mind stays hard at work, when the best thing for us — and ultimately for them — would be to take a breather.
2. The Power of a Clear Model
This is where the importance of having a clear model comes into play. A therapeutic model acts as a guiding framework, helping us navigate through the complexities of our clients’ experiences and our own responses to them. If you find yourself frequently mulling over your sessions, it might be an indicator that it’s time to look closely at your model, or become more grounded in one if you haven’t already.
3. Writing it Down: Case Conceptualization and Planning
Taking the time to write down your case conceptualization can be a game-changer when you’re feeling stuck. It’s a process that allows you to lay out your thoughts, understandings, and hypotheses about the client’s situation in a structured manner, which you can walk away from and then follow up with a clear and concise plan. Putting your case conceptualization in writing not only provides a tangible reference for future sessions, but also helps in mentally closing the loop, giving your mind permission to rest.
4. Mastering the Art of Mental Redirection
Not being able to turn off your brain is a challenge many therapists face, and it’s one of the biggest contributors to burnout in our profession. Learning the art of mental redirection is crucial. This could mean engaging in activities that bring you joy, practicing mindfulness, or simply allowing yourself a moment of quiet reflection.
5. Growth Opportunities
While it’s vital to learn how to stop the post-session mental churn, it’s also important to recognize that these moments of reflection can be valuable growth opportunities. They encourage us to constantly learn, evolve, and become better versions of ourselves, both for our clients and us.
How to Stop Thinking about Your Therapy Clients
In wrapping up, dear friends, remember that caring for our clients is a beautiful part of our journey as therapists. However, caring for ourselves with the same intensity is equally important, and learning when and how to stop thinking about your therapy clients is an essential part of self-care. By closing the mental loop and mastering mental redirection, we can ensure that we are giving our best to our clients while nurturing our own minds and spirits.
Here’s to finding balance, growth, and serenity in our journey of caring and healing.
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
P.S. — I have many more articles and podcast episodes for you in my content collection for therapists. I hope you’ll check it out, they’re all there for you!
Listen & Subscribe to the Podcast
How to Stop Thinking About Your Therapy Clients
The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
Lisa Marie Bobby, PhD, LMFT, BC
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