[Note: In case you’re wondering, this post is a follow-up to this (which, by the way, received more of a response than I’ve seen in a very long time!). I try my best to respond to each and every comment, BTW.]
Okay … so I’m getting a LOT of emails from readers upset with me about that cliff hanger in my previous email and blog post.
Sorry about that.
Perhaps the twin-girls (soon-to-be-teenager) drama in my house is contagious (yikes). Or maybe it’s last-minute hesitation on my part …
I Feel Reluctant to Talk About This, but Here It Goes …
As you may or may not know, this whole breakup-expert thing I do has gotten WAY out of control (in the best possible way).
When I first started helping people with their breakups (over 14 years ago) … I never in a million years DREAMED I’d have the opportunity to have the impact I’ve had.
Anyway, every once in a while, it freaks me out a little, but I’ve been blessed to have helped tens of thousands (perhaps hundreds of thousands) of breakup survivors to transform their lives for the better since 2005.
It’s an indescribable experience to get daily success stories from people telling me how they overcame a toxic relationship, how they found their dream partner, or how they reached emotional independence.
I’ve been deeply touched — and so many times moved to tears — by all the beautiful emails you’ve sent over the years (and from all over the world).
It really makes me stop and think about the big picture here …
And don’t get me wrong.
I can’t take credit for these people changing their lives as they did.
They did all the hard work to get over their Ex and the relationship that they wanted … But to think that I played a small role in setting up a major life milestone in someone else’s life is truly humbling.
So, Here’s What I’ve Been Holding out On …
I’ve been:
- Nicely asked
- Strongly encouraged
- Begged
- Pleaded with …
To start taking on personal coaching clients again.
I’ve Resisted This for a Long Time
And I tell you why …
When our twins were born, we were all alone. We had no help from anyone.
My parents were taking a trip around the world (yeah, perfect timing), and my wife’s parents were living abroad.
And we had NO clue whatsoever what to do with two babies (and boy were they demanding …).
So I decided that I’d put everything on hold and that we’ll do this together.
This turned out to be the best decision ever.
(Also, as someone who works from home, it’s not cool to have two babies crying hysterically while you try to coach someone.)

That’s Not All Though …
My wife and I became the perfect team. We were taking care of the twins together.
I barely worked at the beginning, though.
I used to get up at 03:00 to write a few articles, answer course student emails, fall asleep over the keyboard … only to be awakened by a loud siren (that would be a crying baby).
It was challenging (to put it mildly).
The years went by, and I still wasn’t doing personal coaching, even though I felt that a substantial part of “what makes me tick” had been missing.
The Ex-DETOX Course was going great, we had more students than ever, so there was no financial need to put in the extra time.
And I was really enjoying the time we have together as a family.
For Years I’ve Resisted to Start Coaching Again
But now things have changed. And I didn’t know what to do about it.
The kids are older now. They have cell-phones, BFFs, lots of homework … Daddy isn’t needed as he was before (that’s what the melancholy was about).
After that Single-Malt-Whiskey Tasting with my friends I’ve mentioned, I suddenly realized what was missing in my life.
It’s the reason why I felt so unfulfilled in my business:
What I missed was the personal contact with you.
How I’m Trying to Learn from the Past
I’m also a bit of a perfectionist.
Okay, “a bit” is an understatement … I’m a FULL BLOWN perfectionist.
And because I’ve given up all hope of fixing this (I’m an INFJ), I realized that I simply cannot go half-way with this. As far as I am concerned – it’s all the way or not at all.
So if I start coaching again, it’ll be ALL IN.
I know that if I do this, it will be a lot of work.
The truth is that I really don’t know exactly what this might look like just yet, which is the whole point of having this discussion with you … I’m hoping we can figure this out together!
If I Do This, It Will Be a Lot of Work
So, before I go “all in” on this idea and let my perfectionism kick in and turn this into an energy-intensive project, I want to check with you.
So I want to know …
– What do you think?
– Should I do this?
– Would you be interested?
Your feedback and thoughts are absolutely the fuel that keeps me going.
I don’t even want to THINK about doing this if there isn’t any interest in this.
Would you be interested in personal coaching?
So, please leave a comment down below and let me know what you think.
It would mean a lot to me, and I’ll do my best to respond to each and every comment.
Your friend,
Eddie Corbano