Is there something wrong with men today?
Seriously – is there something up with guys and how they’re acting? Are they… dare I say it, less manly than they used to be?
Well, men are still essentially MEN. That much is true.
But many of the “old school” manly behaviors are being lost in today’s whirlwind pace and new-agey culture.
Yes, guys are becoming more sensitive in many ways. They’re more emotionally aware than they have ever been.
For example, in the last Star Trek movie that hit theaters, three of the actors cried in that movie. Not one of which was a woman – ALL were men!
But at the same time, they’ve lost touch with something our fathers and grandfathers had.
You see, back in “the day” (whenever THAT was), there was a more distinct milestone for when a boy finally became a man. It was something called a “rite of passage.”
This is something that cultures have embraced for thousands of years to help a boy understand when he was ready for manhood, and he could leave behind the childish stuff and do all the MANLY stuff.
Make war on other tribes…
Build huts…
Find himself a woman… 😉
Up until the 20th century, the war part was all we had left to define men. When you were 18, they gave you a gun and sent you to war. Or he waited and hoped they wouldn’t draft him into war.
All politics aside, the possibility that you might have to go to a strange land and possibly die was a very real way to wake up to being a man. And that haunted most men throughout time.
Nowadays, not quite as much.
Women always had a very clear indication of their change from “girl” to woman, which was the onset of her fertility. Having a period every month and knowing that you could bear children was pretty obvious to her.
So, as you might guess, men today are also suffering from a prolonged boyhood. This has led to the term ‘boy-man.’
This is the boy that never really “grew up.” I think they used to call this…..
So we have these guys out there that never really put aside the toys and the silly behavior. And now they don’t know exactly what it is that they should be when it comes time to have a relationship with a woman.
Make no mistake about it – men DO want to have relationships. LONG term relationships with fantastic women.
And they need your help to do it.
Let me reveal to you something about the myth of “intimacy“:
One of the biggest myths that women hear all the time is that men suffer from “intimacy issues.” In fact, as you might know, if you hear something enough times – even if it’s false, you start to believe it.
And that’s even more true of this myth of “intimacy issues” and men. You see, a fear of intimacy is NOT the problem…!
What IS frequently a problem, however, is that most men are  unable to communicate intimacy and emotions.
You might think, “Carlos, what’s the difference? Isn’t that the same thing?”
Actually, NO. It’s not.
Because you might assume men avoid intimacy because we don’t want to feel it… Or we want to avoid that connection with you. You might have been told that men don’t want communication that touches our hearts and connects us to you.
We DO want that!
But most men just don’t have the skills or ability to communicate the way women. The heartfelt expression of emotions is simply foreign to most men.
Our tongues are tied, and we don’t know how to un-tie them…
But YOU can un-tie them.
In fact, you MUST!
If you’ve ever asked a guy what he’s thinking, you probably know how difficult it is for men to express themselves. Â In fact, it’s kind of a joke, right?
But when it comes to what men want in a relationship – and what works for them, there are CONCRETE and SPECIFIC things he wants from you.
From “The Relationship…“
Do you know what they are?
You see, men expect you to understand what they want in a relationship …without having to tell you. Again, mostly because most guys simply don’t know HOW to tell you.
And if you spend a lot of time trying to pry it out of him, there’s a good chance that you will break your loving connection with him in the process.
Men just shut down when they’re forced to talk about relationship “stuff.”
And if that happens, it could take weeks, months – maybe years longer to repair the damage – IF he sticks around to work it out.
There is a very simple reason most men don’t commit to the woman in their life.
Even if he’s drop-dead in love with her!
Most women don’t know that men go through 3 steps on the path to intimacy.
If you make a mistake and assume he’s in one of these without knowing for sure, you could accidentally send him the signal that you’re NOT the right woman for him.
Yours in perfect passion,
Carlos Cavallo