Learn about the Soul Mission and Soul Purpose with Generational Celestial Shaman, Roxanne Chaput in this week’s episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast.
Generational Shaman
To start, I asked Roxanne what a Celestial Generational Shaman is. She explained that she helps people connect with their spirit or celestial guides to find their soul mission on earth and understand how to be in alignment with this mission.
The term Celestial Shaman is from her belief that she has been a shaman in many past lives. She’s also from a lineage of generational shamans, as part of Canada’s indigenous, native population.
Roxanne always had a fascination with traditions, ceremonies, pow wows, and understanding how to facilitate them. She didn’t share much with her family but did connect with elders from the community.
Dreaming Her Soul Mission
She had a dream that came to her over a four month period, with a woman who she though was her grandmother’s grandmother, singing a beautiful, melancholy song.
Normally, Roxanne’s people don’t share their inner guidance, but she didn’t understand the message of her dream. The woman in the dream kept motioning to the land and this was a mystery.
Wisdom of the Elders
So, she asked an elder from the community who carries the wisdom of the land, ancestors, and elements. He explained that her ancestor in the dream was literally calling her to the land to discover her soul purpose.
Roxanne also learned a song from her dream and the elder recognized it and said it hadn’t been sung in healing circles for over 100 years. His father and great grandfather had sung it for him privately. Roxanne’s version of the melody was tweaked a bit but he still knew it.
Another person told her the woman in her dream was calling her to the land because she’s meant to be a shaman and heal others. But Roxanne didn’t know where to start or learn these skills.
Healing Ceremony
Not long after these discussions, Roxanne woke up one morning and knew she had to go into the forest to heal, even though it was pouring down rain.
She got into her vehicle and felt a flood of emotion come over her, which desensitized her to all the traumatic events that happened in her life. This was actually a good thing.
While driving, she chanted a healing song, plus the one from the dream as well. Arriving in the forest, Roxanne hiked out to ancient healing grounds and saw a big rock. She knew this is where her healing would take place.
Chaput did a smudging ceremony on the rock, burning sage, cedar, and other herbs to clear and purify herself. The four elements were there – air, water, earth and fire.
Soul Mission as a Healer
All of a sudden, a deer emerged, as did a chipmunk, and a humming bird to greet her and she took this as a sign of support. She sat on that rock for over four hours, crying her heart out.
Wrapping up the ceremony, it dawned on her that not one drop of rain fell upon her, even though it had been pouring!
At that point, Roxanne realized that if she could do this kind of healing for even one other person, she will have completed her soul mission. This was her soul purpose. Healing herself this way, she had a profound sense of who she was and what she needed to do.
Raising Your Frequency
When people raise their frequency, they can have a life of unconditional love and inner peace. Sharing unconditional love and eliminating judgement can make a tremendous difference in the healing process, all part of Roxanne’s soul purpose.
We are not here to have perfection but are intended to experience individuality and our strengths and weaknesses. All of this needs to be accepted as part of life.
Polarity and Divisiveness
When does anyone feel good in a state of hate? No one! It’s draining, exhausting, and not the essence of who we are or what people want.
Yet, there is a lot of polarity, misunderstanding each other, and hatred of people who don’t think like you do. With this polarity, it’s hard to imagine how to bring the two sides together again.
I asked Roxanne her thoughts about healing this big gap. She said this has been far more prevalent than ever before. But there is always going to be the dark and the light, the yin and the yang.
Making a Choice
You can choose to add to the divisiveness and hatred or add to the love and inner peace. Even though there will always be polarity, you get to decide what you want to add to. Just remember there is the Law of Cause and Effect.
The world has been traumatized by all of this. Think about what you absorb being receptive to the news and social media that makes you feel helpless and powerless. This lowers your vibration and frequency.
Take time to clear your energy field to reduce this in your life.
Validation Comes from Within
However, if someone comes at you aggressively talking, you have the right to say something like, “You have crossed an emotional boundary. That behavior is unacceptable and you will no longer have access to me.”
This kind of boundary work is part of her soul mission. If you feel attacked, helpless, or burdened, you can always connect with the oneness of the Universe to lift yourself up and strengthen your power.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what other people think about you and how you live your life. It’s so important to stop caring about external validation – like social media. Your validation must come from within.
Stop adding to the narrative that keeps you steeped in controversy and challenging your state of being. She suggests that you keep what you are doing to yourself or you will be open to other people’s judgement.
Healing the World
This is how Roxanne is bringing together her world – all part of her soul mission. Bringing her celestial perspective and energy to real world issues that we all deal with every day.
That’s what makes her such a beautiful soul and her work so important. We need that upliftment and higher perspective.
Roxanne suggests that we listen to our intuitive voice within. Silence the noise and chaos and listen. Ask yourself if you are living a life that is unfulfilled. Do you need to pivot or look at life from a different perspective?
Her last words of advice are to be thankful for all the things that happen in this human experience. Be sure to love yourself, know who you are, and the incredibleness that is inside you.
BIO – Roxanne Chaput
Roxanne is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Roxanne Chaput Limited, Celestial Guide, Celestial+Generational Earth Shaman, Quantum Healer, Inspirational Speaker, Show Host of Soul to Soul with Roxanne and Life+Love Mentor.
Roxanne guides individuals in transition to create lasting sustainable change in their lives. Her soul purpose is to provide a safe and powerful place for her clients to discover the answers they need to move forward spiritually, energetically, personally with absolute purpose and clarity.
In essence, her soul mission is to Guide, Heal, Love, Awaken, Inspire, Ignite Energetic Passion and Empower amazingness within one’s own self by guiding her clients to Free their Soul as they embrace and connect to their intuitive knowingness while embodying inner-peace and inner-love.
Roxanne’s certifications:
Certified Life Purpose Coach, Transformational Life Coach, Cognitive Behavior Coach, Confidence Life Coach, Emotional Intelligence Coach, Enlightened Relationship Coach, Law of Attraction Coach, Forgiveness Coach, and Shamanic Healer.
Website & Social Media
https://www.roxannechaput.com/(Free Soul Connection Call)