In this episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast, I’m speaking with Mindset Coach Michelle Sera about her book The 7-Minute Shift™, and how to elevate your mind to discover the possibilities.
Why Mindset Coaching?
I began by asking Michelle about her process and book, The 7-Minute Shift™ which I read and loved and how this came about. She had been doing writing and marketing strategy coaching for years with over 900 clients.
Through that experience, Michelle came to realize how vital mindset is. No matter how big or small a person’s business was, the mindset piece is what often got in the way. It wasn’t that the marketing didn’t work – something else was going on.
Mindset and the manifesting methods are so important to help people reach their goals. So, she changed her business focus to mindset coaching.
Quieting the mind and meditating can make a big difference in your state-of-mind. When you make elevating your mind your focus, everything else follows along. This is based on where the attention goes, energy flows, a principle from Hawaiian Shamanism.
What Makes the Difference for Your Clients?
Michelle responded that when you can’t seem to make any significant progress, it’s often because of certain perspectives about business that are not true. This gets in the way, whether it’s about yourself, or marketing or clients, etc.
One technique is to question yourself. What am I afraid of or resisting? What is behind this? What’s the worst thing that can happen? This is how you dig in and uncover what is going on underneath.
Training yourself to question things is an incredible method to open new doorways and see new opportunities.
Growing Up in Backwoods Georgia
Next, I asked Michelle how growing up in backwoods Georgia influences her work today. Her answered surprised me. She didn’t grow up in a neighborhood with other kids. It was just her and acres of trees.
Spending so much time alone in nature lead her to become contemplative. Also being sensitive to how other people are thinking.
What Is Your Kind Of Magic?
She’s had some incredible manifesting experiences. Michelle says we are manifesters – that’s why we are here. This is an expression of consciousness and how you experience self.
Happiness Coaching
The biggest thing in Happiness Coaching is to understand that you can’t be happy without having the opposite – sadness in your life too. You need that contrast to recognize what happiness is.
Plenty of studies show that achieving a goal gives you a short burst of happiness, but it’s the pursuing the goal that creates the positive feelings. So, when you are without something to pursue, then you are without purpose and reaching for direction.
Happiness Coaching is not a light hearted, or frivolous, it’s actually a deep topic, pretty complex, and worth pursuing.
Michelle said her mentor explains you can’t pursue happiness directly, you have to go after it from different angles. Then we veered off to talk about Ben & Jerry’s ice cream – my favorite is Phish Food and hers is Cherry Garcia!
What makes me really happy is doing a great Reading or Healing session for someone and recently I got a gloriously complimentary email from a client. She said I was compassionate; she loved the reading, and how very grateful she felt. That thrilled me!
Leaning In
Michelle has made a conscious effort to adopt a new outlook. She intentionally is experiencing everyday tasks as a spiritual experience. Even work around the house, like starting a fire in the wood stove. You can also call this mindfulness or happiness in the little things.
Every night before she goes to sleep, she voices a list of “Isn’t it wonderful to have this wood stove, etc.” It’s like a gratitude list but this shifts it to happiness because of the wonderful start.
To get Michelle’s freebies, visit where you’ll find a pdf overview of The 7-Minute Shift, plus an audio guide that goes with it. Also, go to for a 30-day calendar of 3-5 minute happiness activities.
BIO – Michelle Sera
Michelle Sera, author of The 7-Minute Shift™ is a Certified Freedom Formula Facilitator and Certified Happiness Coach. She’s also the founder of Elevated Mind™, a company focused on helping people manifest their greatest self and highest potential.
The 7-Minute Shift™ is the answer to the very common struggle so many coaches, consultants, and business owners face: fear, doubt, and worry. For those starting or growing a business, getting out of your own way to succeed is the (only) real challenge. Michelle wrote The 7-Minute Shift™ for you.
In addition to writing the book, Michelle has spent over 15 years as a copywriter and marketer. Her work in the online marketing space has helped many 7, 8, and 9 figure entrepreneurs excel. Her words have made an impact on millions of people, generating millions of dollars.
Michelle grew up in the middle of nowhere. She learned to swim in the company of gators in the lakes throughout the backwoods of Georgia. She raced Dragon Boats off the coast of Naha, Japan, discovered the meaning of mental strength (or lack thereof) on Mt. Fuji, and raised two very impressive kids.
According to Michelle, even learning to fight Krav Maga blindfolded, from an ex-Israeli soldier, pales in comparison to the bravery needed to raise tiny humans.
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