You’ll learn about Robin Clare’s ideas regarding trauma and the soul blueprint for service in this eye-opening episode of the Breathe Love & Magic podcast.
King Solomon Speaks
The conversation with Robin started by asking about her books, and writing, and the King Solomon material specifically. Her books are channeled from the Ascended Masters and King Solomon is one of them. She’s also written books with Jesus and Sophia.
King Solomon appeared in her bedroom one night, telling Robin he needed his spiritual army to stop searching and start serving. He wanted her to write a book with him but she ended up producing a series of meditations.
If you align your chakras with the earth chakras, you’ll be able to expand far enough to hold universal energy and then live a life of service for the Divine. That is the intention of the King Solomon Speaks meditations.
Reach out to by email RobinHClare[@] to ask for the link and enjoy these meditations as her gift to you!
King Solomon’s Wisdom
There’s a bible story I recall about King Solomon where two women claimed to be the mother of the same child. They came to him to settle the matter. In his wisdom, he said they should cut the baby in half, thinking the real mother would object and give it to the other woman. That worked to figure out who was the real mother.
(I’ll get to the part about trauma and the soul blueprint in a minute.)
Robin said King Solomon was an incredible energy healer. Supposedly, he knew advanced energy techniques to lift the boulders that built the Last Temple in Israel. The people had to suspend logic to apply these advanced techniques.
I wondered why King Solomon wanted to write about this. Robin thinks he came to her because he considers humans to be his spiritual army. He wanted people to start living in accordance with their human nature and stop thinking they aren’t healed enough and get out there to be of service.
King Solomon came to say it’s time to be of service and live in connection with oneness and divine energy. We are all one and have access to the same source and universal energy. The first place to connect with the vast energy is to connect with your soul.
Changes Affect Grounding with the Earth
I was listening to the Spirit Speakers podcast and Patty Davis said she can no longer ground with the earth in the traditional way by putting roots down into it. She says, she connects through the heart chakra now.
Robin also talked about connecting with the earth through the chakras. So, it seems there are some big shifts happening with the energy of Mother Earth and many are bringing forth that kind of information.
Lee Carroll, who channels Kryon, said earth had tipped the scales towards the light, having gotten to 26% light. Kryon claimed we only needed 25% to balance out the darkness and this was fantastic news. from a few years ago.
King Solomon also talked about moving towards a tipping point for living in a higher consciousness. Being spiritual means, you have an internal relationship with your own divine source. Synchronicities are starting to pile up – a positive sign in my mind.
Connecting with Her Divine Spark
When she meditates, Robin starts with a spark within herself and expands this out beyond her body and field. She sees her light going around the circumference of the earth and then expands it out to the universal and connects with the oneness. It feels like a different level of consciousness and filled with peace and love.
In that space is where you can receive the most higher-level guidance for life. Once there, Robin asks spirit if anyone has a message she can convey or if her own spirit team has a message for her. Everyone can do this – it just takes 10-minutes a day to practice.
If you are going to live connected to your soul, spirit helpers, and guides, to angels and Ascended Masters, you have to meet them where they are. They don’t live in regrets of the past or worry about the future. They live in the present moment.
The more you are able to live in the present, the more you are able to hear and connect with these beings who are on call for humanity. But they won’t interfere unless you ask for help. As you come to understand and heal your trauma, the soul blueprint for service is revealed.
Listen to more on healing trauma in this episode.
Trauma and the Soul Blueprint
Yes, there is free will, but your soul will orchestrate things, so you can meet your goal. That’s where trauma and the soul blueprint for service come together. The trauma is what you are trying to grow beyond and heal.
If you have repetitive traumatic experiences and wonder why this keeps happening, know that you are in the process of growing. As soon as you learn what is needed, you won’t be bothered by that again. You have to look at it to heal it.
Robin’s Spiritual Path & Mantra
Robin’s spiritual mantra when she started on her spiritual path was, “Bring it on.” This led to a series of exhausting, on the floor crying experiences to heal her own suffering and trauma in her life.
She used to offer a service called the Soul Plan and today she has discovered that hidden in the trauma is your own service plan. This is the service you are here to provide.
For example, you might be a mother whose service is to raise an incredible child who will serve the world. It’s not just about what you are going to do. You have to see where your soul is taking you.
In career, you will see a pattern in your that takes you to your destiny, so you can serve. This is part of her new book which will explain the hidden truth in trauma which turns out to be your service plan. Trauma and the soul blueprint guide you to discover what you are meant to offer to the world.
Your Soul Orchestrates Life
The soul orchestrates everything that happens, so you have to review and understand where you’ve been. This is looking at your soul plan. Hidden in your whole life story is what you are intended to do.
Robin stood on her deck for a full year, through all the seasons, asking how she can serve. And because she’s serious and spirit knows that she’s serious and she’ll do whatever it takes, they speak to her.
A Broader Definition of Service
I asked Robin what service is about. It’s not only being like Mother Theresa. Her definition of being of service is very broad beyond charity or volunteer work! Your regular work is service. Bringing up your children, writing books, or speaking to share a message with the world are all service.
This is a new way to define service, and the idea that I can just be myself and still offer service to the world is a relief! You actually get to be of service to yourself as well. For example, meditation is a service to the self.
Mind-Blowing Stories with Messages from Spirit
Robin wrapped up this inspirational interview with two completely mind-blowing messages that spirit asked her to share with two specific people. Listen to the podcast to the end, so you do NOT miss these brief but astonishing stories. Robin shared messages with two complete strangers so find out how their prayers were answered.
BIO – Robin Clare
Robin’s path to fulfilling her destiny began by leaving her traditional 25-year MBA business career and traveling the globe to study with spiritual masters. But, first, Robin had to reveal her deep secret of struggling for four decades with food addiction and bulimia.
Next, she dug deep into current and past lives to heal wounds that had blocked success and fed her active addiction. This commitment to her healing led to an opportunity to open to her divine gifts and live her most authentic life.
Now in grounded recovery, Robin is an award-winning coach, recovery medium, best-selling spiritual author and highly-regarded speaker and teacher.
She has documented her extraordinary spiritual journey in the highly-acclaimed Messiah Within, followed by Amazon bestsellers, The Divine Keys, and Feast & Famine. In 2021, she released an ebook and recorded Divine Meditations in King Solomon Speaks. She will release The Hidden Truth Within Trauma in early 2023.
Awards include 10 Best Life Coaches and 10 Best Energy Healers in The Natural Nutmeg Readers Polls of 2017-2022. Certifications include Recovery Coach Professional™, Advanced Akashic Record reader, Reiki Master, 13th Octave LaHoChi practitioner. Robin is a channel for the Ascended Masters.
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