Let’s talk about why men pull away from you. There’s a good chance you’ve experienced this in your own relationship.
Sometimes it’s space you feel – other times you sense his feelings aren’t as strong for you.
According to a new study recently released: “Women immerse themselves in their romantic relationships, while men place their romantic partners on an equal but distant footing.”
The study shows that – generally – women appear to be more invested in their relationships than men and that their happiness and well-being is more dependent upon how things are going in their intimate relationships.
This probably comes as NO surprise to you – or me. Our emotions are dependent on our love relationship.
Women are biologically wired to be the nurturers.
Women are the ones with the skills to anticipate the needs of their partners, take care of nurturing the relationship and do the problem solving when something is off. Women also sense the issues in the relationship – like when his commitment isn’t present.
Guys are more biologically wired to be the providers and protectors.
It’s not that the relationship isn’t important to them, it’s just that they show it in different ways — by working hard, establishing a career – and by maintaining an emotional distance.
You might be asking yourself, “How can I change him? How can I make him more involved in our relationship?“
First of all, remember that ancient advice about trying to change men – or anyone, for that matter.
If you haven’t already heard it a billion times – DON’T try to change him!
A man’s behavior will be to resist any attempt to change him. He values his freedom more than anything.
Which means that if you try to PULL him back, you could wind up with him pulling away even faster.
But if you can’t change him, how can you get him to open his heart and adore you the way you know you deserve?
Well, it turns out there IS a way – and you can use this to get what YOU need from your situation.
I found a very special and touching video that explains more about how men think in the first 10 minutes than I’ve learned in the last 10 years…
You owe it to yourself to watch this video.
You’ll discover the REAL reason men pull away, and what you can do to open his heart, get him to adore you, and realize you’re his soulmate…
You’ll connect with him on a deep level and make him yours FOREVER…
Click HERE to see what I’m talking about.